King Tut’s Tomb: Annex

annex antechamber


King Tut’s Tomb Chambers

The smallest room within the tomb is known as the annex room. This room was given its name through Howard Carter. This tiny room was filled with many items such as oils, foods, wines, pottery, dishes, stools, games, and baskets. This room was the last to be documented by Howard Carter as it was deemed more difficult to examine due to the room being in disarray.

The annex room could be accessed through the left side of the tomb. A small door was cut out towards the bottom and placed between the legs of one of the three couches located within the Antechamber. Upon entering this room, it drops immediately three feet as if it were meant to be a step of some sort.

So why was the annex room left in a disorderly manner? It is believed the tomb had been robbed twice after the young pharaoh was set to rest. The first theory is based on the notion that the robbers rummaged through all the items within this room looking for smaller gold jewelry and figurines that could be easily pocketed. While looking for items to steal they moved everything about. Another theory is that necropolis police caught the robbers in the act of stealing and must have placed all the looted items back in a hasty bid to return all items to the king. The second part of this theory is that the necropolis guards may have been in a hurry to return the items and seal up the tomb to hide its location before it could be discovered again by thieves.

The lavish oils inside this room were of high value; however, it appears that the tomb robbers may have been more interested in the gold pieces. In fact, the many objects such as board games found within the annex chamber had their gold and silver game pieces stolen and were never found within the tomb.

The excavation of this room began in October of 1927 and ending in 1928 during spring time. The room yielded 280 objects of the total 5000 documented and recorded within the entire tomb.