King Tut’s Tomb Chambers
King Tut’s tomb was comprised of four main rooms; the antechamber, the annex, the burial chamber, and the treasury room. This tomb was extraordinary as it was only one of two pharaoh tombs ever discovered in Egypt that had not been robbed of its treasure. The other pharaoh’s tomb found, Psusennes I, was the king who reigned during the Intermediate Period and was deemed the “Silver Pharaoh.”
Tutankhamun’s tomb was significant for many reasons. The tomb revealed a great deal about the young pharaoh, his surroundings, and how he and other people from that time in history may have lived. This remarkable burial site was filled with priceless treasures that yielded roughly 5000 objects. The most famous of the objects found was the solid gold death mask and coffin.
Fortunately, the young pharaoh’s tomb remained hidden for almost three thousand years. This was most likely due to the excessive rubble from Ramses VI’s tomb; the fact that King Tut’s tomb was smaller in comparison to other pharaohs and was not as sought after as others; probably because Tutankhamun didn’t really leave a huge pharaoh legacy; and the fact that he only ruled for a short time and died at a very early age. It appears that before the discovery of his tomb, Tutankhamun was nearly forgotten by Egyptologists due to other more prominent pharaohs such as Ramses II, Akhenaten, Khufu, and Hatshepsut overshadowing him.
This discovery, however, has made the pharaoh an icon of Egypt and the world. Because of this huge find, this once obscure pharaoh stands elevated and more famous than those before him and after him—he lives eternally.