Flights to Cairo

Flights to Cairo

Finding the right flight to Cairo is quite easy! There are many sites that offer round trip rates at affordable prices. The average flight depends upon from where you are departing. If for example you leave from Los Angeles, you can expect a flight of over 15 hours with at least one stop. Most trips from the west coast of the United States are not roundtrip as the distance is too far.

It’s important to check with the airline of choice about luggage and carry-ons for your particular flight. Most flights, due to the economy, are now beginning to charge for more than one bag. Obviously, due to security, there are many restrictions of what can be carried in your luggage and what can be taken on the aircraft. Be sure to check with the airlines for what is or is not acceptable. You don’t want to get to the airlines counter and be told that some of the items you are carrying can’t be taken on the aircraft. If you are unsure, it’s better to check with the airline first.

Landing in Cairo

After the long flight, you’ll land at Cairo International Airport. There are many shops and dining options available. Along with restaurants, there is a place that will help you deal with money exchanges and will give you access to the internet with Wi-Fi connections. Review shuttle schedules to ensure you arrive at the hotel you have booked and car rental places.

Hotels in Egypt

There are no shortages of hotels in Cairo; the city is literally a traveler’s paradise. All the hotels range from two to five stars; however, the hotel should always be arranged before the flight has been booked to ensure you get the best price. If no hotel was reserved, there are many travel agencies or brochures located at the airport but it may be more expensive if you haven’t booked a room beforehand. It is important to note that many of the specials and deals might be limited if booking has not been done in advance. Most hotels will offer directions to their facilities, along with a shuttle. Extra fees may apply so be sure to ask the hotel if you are unsure of charges.

Traveling in Cairo

Traveling in Cairo is not difficult as there are many ways to get around the city effectively. The most popular would be through a taxi service. It is recommended to use the white taxies. These are metered and mostly used by tourists to get around. If another taxi service is selected, all negations should be done before the trip to avoid confusion of fees.

The Cairo metro is another way to get around; however, it is not as effective as a taxi. The metro is best used to travel longer distances from Cairo to locations down south. The metro station can become crowded as it annually commutes about seven million passengers. Also, it is important to note that the fourth and fifth carts on the train are only reserved for woman. These carts will be marked before entering the train. Many travels will combine their journey with both the metro and taxi service to get around as the metro only costs 1 EGP (Egyptian pound).

The other option is to use a bus. This can be a bit confusing as buses do not have signs designating their destinations. To add more to the confusion, there are also different company buses from which to pick. In Egypt there are buses that can become overcrowded and ones that are luxurious. For this reason, it is best to talk to your hotel for route information and recommendations before using the bus system in Egypt.