How were the pyramids built? This question has puzzled scientist for centuries and still continues to puzzle experts today. To date, there has been no documentation or clues that have given Egyptologists answers about the construction of the pyramids. Because there are many theories and ideas as to how the pyramids were constructed, we will cover the most common theory used in constructing the pyramids.
The most common theory for moving large blocks is to slide logs under the large stones to make mobility easier. The block would have been attached to large ropes with people pushing the block forward. At the same time several men would remove the last log uncovered by the stone. The end log that was removed would then be transported to the front where it would complete the cycle under the stone and the endless cycle would be repeated.
Moving the block was one thing but placing it into position was another. This idea has also left scientist baffled. The most common theory for placement of each stone is said to have a ramp that went around the pyramid’s sides. Some have concluded that the ramp only touched one side of the pyramid. This might have been true, but the ramp might have had more material then the pyramid did and this would have made placement of each block difficult.
Herodotus was a Greek historian who traveled to Egypt around 450 B.C. and wrote that the Egyptians had some sort of gear that was used in lifting these large blocks. Although this might sound extraordinary, scientists have found no proof of any such lifting devices.
It’s estimated that the Great Pyramid took almost twenty years to complete due to its size and the type of stone used in creating the structure. Each stone weighed about two to five tons and came from Aswan and Tura. Not only was the stone imported but also stonemasons would have worked all year long cutting and shaping each block. All these complicated tasks made the pyramid difficult to construct but as we know today, the end results are amazing.