More Current Findings on Ramses II

In the last 10 years or so, Professor Dr. James Hoffmeier has been leading the way to excavate and look at more remote areas and findings that could provide more details into Ramses II’s life and challenges.

By using 1968 satellite maps, along with his analysis and insight, the great ancient Fortress at Tjaru has been located. In order to locate this fortress, Dr. Hoffmeier began using the information located at one of the reliefs at the Temple of Karnak. This relief depicted a pharaoh coming back from a victorious battle and passing four different forts along the way. Only the names of the forts and the types of forts were provided on the relief, but no locations. Finding the location of this great fortress was an important find in that it solidified the existence of a protection mechanism used in this area during ancient Egypt and most probably was instrumental in assisting Ramses II secure power throughout the region. Additionally, it provides more insight into the history of Ancient Egypt.

This particular fortress was built using mud bricks, was constructed with 30 foot high walls, and enclosed 20 acres. It contained army barracks, storage areas and Ramses Temple located in the center of the facility.