the biggest identifying factor with the amarna period royalty is the elongated heads from MARFAN'S SYNDROME, a genetic disease that has a 50/50% chance of being passed on that causes all the deformities akhenaten is shown with (he seemed to get them all).
tutankhamen's skeletal structure shows him to have the elongated head--and it was not from being wrapped--it was genetic.
smenkhare also has the elongated head, and in fact, he looks a lot like akhenaten, just slightly less severe.
it was a big inbred marfan's party, is what happened.
and tutankhamen died from a wound to his leg--most likely a chariot fall. he wasn't murdered. the injuries to the rest of his mummy were made by hasty embalmers--who even dumped a vat of perfume on his stomach and that's why not much of his middle is left.
tutankhamen and ankhsunamen are generally considered brother/sisters who married.
the reason akhenaten gets left out of family portraits with the case of amenhotep III and queen tiy, is his deformities would probably have made him a black sheep of the family (and thus probably why he went into the middle of the desert and made his own drasticly different religion). note, how following pharaohs, including even tutankhamen tried to erase akhenaten's existance.
some tutankhamen paraphanalia, however, depicts the aten.
also, take a look at the belly. look familiar?