That's most likely not right. At least, Thutmose III wasn't locked up. From what I understand he was head of Hatshepsuts army (If that were so I think he could find a better way of getting rid of his step-mother than poisoning her).
And also, as far as I know there has been no proof that Thutmose was a murderer. If he wanted to get rid of Hatshepsut I'm sure he woiuldn't have waited twenty years. Around the time Hatshepsut "Dissapeared" she would have been fifty or more, pretty old for an Egyptian. So she probably died of natural causes.
And I think that all of Hatshepsut's monuments weren't destroyed until after Thutmose III ruled, and it was only so other females wouldn't get the same idea and try to take over the country
Oh. and I went to this history expo thing at our community college last year, and they had a class about Hatshepsut. I learned something I had never heard of before. Thumose III built his own mortuary temple right next to Hatshepsut's at Dier el-Medina. No, not the 11th dynasty one, but it was right by that, nearly on top of it. Surely he wouldn't have done that if he hated her. The other interesting thing was that it was tiny in comparison to hers.
Well, two years ago I have a report on Hatshepsut and I dressed up and stuff, but this is all i can remember, so if I'm wrong, please tell me.
Oh, by the way, what was the author of that book? I'd like to read it.