I have some information on Akhenaten childhood. It is from Akhenaten, King of Egypt by Cyril Aldred pg 259.
"In infancy Prince Amenhotep like his grandfaterh Thutmose IV, chould have entertained little hope that he would ever mount the throne of his ancestors."
It is believed by Aldred that he inherited his elder brother's offices such as the Governor of Memphis and High Priest of Ptah. The office of High Priest held another title "Greatest of Craftsmen". This made him (Ptah's High Priest) responsible for the design of art-works of all kinds. According to Aldred, pg 259, "It may be these aspects of his duties that are referred to by his Chief Architect Ma'nakhtuf, and his Chief sSculptor Bek, when each describes himself as 'the apprentice whom His Majesty taught'."
On pg. 260, Aldred writes, " It would seem, however, that Amenhotep had a palace in the town ( Heliopolis of the None of On).
In Joann Fletcher' book, Chronoicle of a Pharaoh, The Intimate Life of Amenhotep III, pg 108. "The only cetain reference to Prince Amenhotep from his father's reign appears to be on a jar seal inscribed "the estate of the king's son Amenhotep."
I am sorry there isn't more, it is somewhat understandable as a 2nd son, he didn't count for much... as like in Great Britian where it counts if you're the eldest, not a younger.
Regarding your questions about Akhenaten's relationship with his parents. I see no reason to wonder. Even if you do not accept a long or short co-regencey betwee Akhenaten and his father. For the Cult of Aten to have spring full born at the beginning of Akhenaten's reign, with estates, temples, land, priests, theology. Akhenaten had to have the support of his father for this to happen. As for his mother, he built her a suntemple in Akhetaten, made beautiful furnerary gifts for her. The amount of not talked about items relating to both of his parents found in recent years of digging at Akhetaten make it clear to me that he had a pretty good relationship with his parents.
Again there is no "proof" that Ay was AKhenaten's uncle. It is a belief, and when it comes to the Amarna Royal's speculative belief is often accepted as solid evidence. It isn't and should be remembered there is no "proof".
i hope this has been a help.