Your welcome Si-Amun on the information about the crowns. It isn't a very well known fact. i am glad i got the chance to spead the knowledge around. Thank you for the opportunity
It is rather easy to get the dynasties mix-up, don't sweat the small stuff. You're knowledge of Ancient Egypt is very good. And i am honestly impressed with much of what you have posted.
You're right about the Isis temple although to be honest with you. i don't believe that the Isis the Ptolomies worshipped had that much in common with ancient Aset. Certainly the Isis the Romans adopted from the Ptolomy Egypt had little in common with Aset. Hence, my belief about the Ptolomies worship of Isis.
You are also right in your assessment of the earlier Ptolomies... intially the family did appear to care about Egypt. The Ptolomies are my least favored foreign rulers of Egypt. So, without a doubt i am biased against them. I particularly appreciated your assessment of the later Ptolomies

thank you for it.
Right the Ptolomies shaped Egypt's future right into the hands of Rome. Then into Christianity, and then Islam. Poor Egypt. i have often wondered? What would have happened if Alexander III, aka the Great, had lived? What would have happened to Egypt, and Rome? Did you know that Alexander's brother-in-law died fighting against the young city Rome? It was these battles against him, that lead Rome on its path to Imperialism. Experts on Alexander believe that had he lived he would have taken on Rome. A totally diffferent kind of army he would have faced had he. Would have been extremely interesting to study. Oh, well he didn't and i can't.
You have a nice day. And keep studing... like i will