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PostPosted: Sat Nov 16, 2002 5:24 am 
YEah that's the one. Gatenbrink's door!


PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2002 7:55 pm 

Joined:Fri Nov 22, 2002 1:08 am
Location: In the throne of Nephthys
I know this is kinda late and a closed topic, but yes. This is soooooo annoying that they went through all that to tell us that there was anothyer door behind it? It went through all this crap about this tomb that there weren't any artifacts in, and kept on teasing us! I wish that they would've just kept to the point that intrigued us. The Hawass guy was annoying!


PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2002 5:06 pm 
Egyptian Architect

Joined:Mon Dec 02, 2002 4:48 pm
Location: Michigan
i sooooooooooo agree! i thought that it took forever and that zahi hawass was annoying. it took forever for him to finish talking, i felt like i was going to die of boredom sometimes b/c he kept repeating himself. ugh- they need to make a show about things in egypt and DON"T repeat things, lol


PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2002 6:42 pm 

Joined:Fri Nov 22, 2002 1:08 am
Location: In the throne of Nephthys
My dad told me that he's just a showman, and that he knows nothing about Egypt. I agree. Everything with him, even just an empty room with no hieroglyphs, is an "amazing discovery." They made it long, because they taped this. They needed to fill in the time, because they knew since there was nothing behind the door, that they had to add suspence.


PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2002 10:07 pm 

Joined:Sat Jul 06, 2002 4:05 pm
Location: Missouri
Well, I do agree that the show was rather boring, but a room, even without hieroglyphics, could be important. And that find with the magistrate, it was important. It was the first one they had found, I believe. And Dr. Hawass has to know a lot about Egypt and her history, he grew up there! Just because someone isn't a fluent speaker doesn't mean that they don't know anything about the subject, it just means that it's hard for them to get their thoughts across, so they repeat themselves. And you know, it is a good thing that Dr. Hawasss cares as much about Egypt as he does, and that he actually wants to know about the common people, and he feels close to them. He is the only Egyptologist I have ever heard of who was like that. Everyone always goes for the big stuff. They want the temples and the royal tombs. But the common people's tombs can tell us a lot, if not more, information that royal tombs. I am glad that someone is actually taking the time to look at the smaller things in Egypt than just the big stuff.

And they didn't know what was behind that door. There was no way they could have known. They had just put the camera piece onto the robot when they put it in the shaft.


PostPosted: Wed Dec 18, 2002 2:14 pm 

Joined:Fri Nov 22, 2002 1:08 am
Location: In the throne of Nephthys
Well, Akhenaten, I didn't mean to offend you, I was just saying, that since they filmed the opening of the door, and found nothing. They already had a deadline for this "major discovery," so they couldn't cancel. They had to fill in the time. Also, just because you are bon in a country doesn't mean you are an expert on it. Severel people in America and England don't evern know half of thier own history. Meaning, he could have been one of the people who didn't know much, but know how to milk a crowd. The impression he made on me spelled F....A....K...E. That might not be yours, but I was just stating my opinion. I was also wondering how an empty room with nothing in it could be valuable. I just think he was exaggerating a bit.


PostPosted: Wed Dec 18, 2002 2:56 pm 

Joined:Sat Jul 06, 2002 4:05 pm
Location: Missouri
Sorry. I didn't mean to sound offended. I really wasn't. Everyone has a right to his or her own opinion, I wasn;t trying to say that your thoughts were wrong. I hope that's not what you thought.



PostPosted: Wed Dec 18, 2002 3:26 pm 
Egyptian Architect

Joined:Mon Dec 02, 2002 4:48 pm
Location: Michigan
i think that zahi hawass does know about egypt and that he isn't a fluent speaker but i do think that he was a little boring. i also think that it is good that he does careabotu the common people and things like that, i also do. but i just think he was a little broing that is all. i also agree that they didn't know what was behind the door.


PostPosted: Wed Dec 18, 2002 4:25 pm 

Joined:Fri Nov 22, 2002 1:08 am
Location: In the throne of Nephthys
I'm just not convinced he's not in it for the money.


PostPosted: Thu Dec 19, 2002 10:20 am 

Joined:Sat Jul 06, 2002 4:05 pm
Location: Missouri
Yes, he was rather boring. But at least theres someone who cares, even if he is boring :-)


PostPosted: Sat Dec 21, 2002 8:15 pm 

Joined:Fri Nov 22, 2002 1:08 am
Location: In the throne of Nephthys
I really don't think he cares as much as people think he cares.


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