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Ancient Egyptian Forum • View topic - The Exodus

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PostPosted: Sat May 15, 2004 2:14 am 

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PostPosted: Sat May 15, 2004 10:06 pm 

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PostPosted: Sat May 15, 2004 11:09 pm 

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PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2004 2:31 am 

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PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2004 7:55 am 

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PostPosted: Mon May 17, 2004 6:21 am 

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PostPosted: Thu May 20, 2004 7:14 pm 

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Telling of stories
PostPosted: Mon May 24, 2004 9:32 am 

Joined:Sun May 25, 2003 8:15 am
Was it God's hand that wrote the Koran, Bible, relief's inscribed on the temple wall's of Ancient Egypt? We use to be a pure people of heart and this was the way, light, love. I think we are getting lost in topic of the Exodus and Ancient Egypt ...Ifwe want to talk about RELIGION let's go back to Ancient Egypt's Greatest Gift?

The Memphite Stone

by Dr. John Palo

WE THRILL over the artifacts of King Tut's tomb, stand in awe before the Sphinx, and the Gizeh pyramids overwhelm us justly so. However, standing in the British Museum is a very old, black Egyptian stone slab that may be more important than all the above wonders. It is the Memphite creation stone. According to Egyptologist Dr. James H. Breasted, it contains "the oldest thoughts of men that have anywhere come down to us in written form." The Memphite stone tells the story of how creation takes place. Egyptologists agree this story was current in ancient Memphis as long as 5000 years ago.


The stone itself has seen hard times. For untold years this great document had been used as a bottom grinding stone for grain. Years of flour-making upon the stone obliterated the middle third of its inscribed message. Yet, that which is still legible succinctly presents man's earliest thoughts about how God creates, how man can create, the Logos, etc. Truly, this is one of our most important human documents.

But for the insight of one man, this ancient philosophical writing would have been lost to us. An eternal debt of gratitude is owed to the Ethiopian Egyptian Pharaoh Shabaka who made this writing available to us and those who follow us.

Shabaka ruled Egypt in the eighth century B.C. The stone states, "His majesty [meaning himself] wrote out this writing anew in the house of his father Ptah-South-Of-His-Wall. His majesty had found it as a work of the ancestors, it having been eaten of worms and not legible from beginning to end. Then his majesty wrote it out anew, so that it was more beautiful than it was before." Sha-baka's "eaten of worms" copy was probably of papyrus. Thanks to this Egyptian king's sense of value and foresight, he had the new copy etched into something more permanent-stone.

The Memphite Drama

Many of us may miss the mystical importance of the Memphite statement at first reading. It may take several readings and some mystical training to appreciate its message more fully. Following is a translation of its most important segment from Breasted's Dawn of Conscience:

"It came to pass that heart and tongue gained the power over every member, teaching that he (Ptah) was (in the form of the heart) in every breast and (in the form of the tongue) in every mouth, of all gods, all men, all cattle, all reptiles, (all) living, while he (Ptah) thinks and while he commands everything that he desires."

We are then told that the lesser gods, as forms of the great god Ptah "created the sight of the eyes, the hearing of the ears, the breathing of the nose, that they may transmit to the heart. It is he (the heart) who causes that every conclusion should come forth, it is the tongue which announces the thought of the heart. Thus all gods were fashioned, Atum and his Divine Ennead (group of nine gods), while every divine word came into being through that which the heart thought and the tongue command…"

A careful reading of the Memphite statement reveals a mystical process of creation. It simply states the heart gives birth to ideas or thoughts which are voiced, and creative actions follow.

Ptah, the Memphite creator god, did this originally. Mystics, through the centuries, have sought an in-depth attunement with the God of their hearts to partake in this creative process. Note, the heart and tongue are united. Both are God imbued.

Rosicrucians, whose traditional roots are in the ancient mystery schools of Egypt, con immediately see a source of their repeated ritualistic admonitions to love, light, and life. Modern mystics have further characterized this concept as heart, head, and hand.

Heart--Seat of the Soul

Modern science has been thoroughly confused as to what part of the body is the center of one's being. Even Descartes thought the soul might stem from the pineal gland. Others have stressed other areas as the possible seat of the soul. The ancient Egyptians believed it was the heart. The heart was the seat of the soul. The heart survived death and was accountable for the deeds of life. Modern society with its great concentration on the intellect continues to seek the center core of one's being somewhere in the brain. Yet, if we simply ask anyone to point to themselves, the results are truly amazing. Each one of us, including scientists, raises a hand and touches the heart area. Scientific findings to the contrary, we still think of ourselves basically as heart oriented.

Science has led us to think of the heart solely as a blood pump. However, mystics also look to the heart as a great psychic center. It is considered the God-center of man. It is here that mystics attune to the universal God--the God of our hearts.

Tongue--Seat of the Mind

Neurologists are amazed at the huge amount of brain area involved with our speech. This makes the brain, especially its left side, a great instrument of the tongue. Further, memory experts constantly tell us that speech (the use of tongue) is one of the best sharpeners of our minds and memories. Is it at all strange that mystery schools use mantras or vowel sounds to heighten psychic sensitivities?

Perhaps we should take more seriously an almost humorous response to the question, "What do you think? .... I don't know. I haven't had a chance to talk about it yet." Are words, tongue, and mind somewhat synonymous?

Hand-Seat o] Creation

Finally, the Memphite drama tells us when heart speaks through tongue, creation takes place. The statement does not assign a body part to creation. However, as man creates mostly through his hands, we can easily assign hands as the final symbol of this triune creative process.

Heart, Head, Hand
An Ancient Mystical Process

Again, mystics will quickly recognize the involvement of heart, head, and hand. Truly, the creation story is retold in numerous mystical rituals and mystical initiations. The temple itself is built around this idea of the heart center and the light from the East.

In a mystical sense, the Memphite drama may be telling us, the greater the heart consciousness, the greater the potential for cosmic enlightenment. The greater the cosmic illumination, the greater the creative potential. Truly, the greatest works of mystics have usually followed from those illuminations inspired by great heart contacts. Great writers, musicians, and artisans of every endeavor admonish us, to "write, sing, play, create from your heart!" A person who so lived from his/her heart was called, by the Egyptians, a true person. He or she was called a Makaru.

Is the Creator a huge psychic heart? Does He/She create through a huge psychic voice? Further, are we the Creator's instruments for creation?

Certainly our contact with God seems to involve our heart deeply. For centuries mystics have justly referred to the God of the heart. They have constantly sought this direct contact with the God of their heart.

So, in fact, do we find we are more creative when we heighten our contact with the God of our heart? Does this, then, give us more attunement with the Creator? Are we then inspired with good constructive ideas and speech to convey to hands capable of accomplishment or creation? I think so.

A 5000 Year Bond

All this and more is raised by the ideas expressed on the ancient Memphite stone. All this and more links Rosicrucians to the ancient Egyptian mystery schools. The Memphite stone creates a 5000 year bond between ancient and modern mystics.

Heart, Tongue, Creation
Love, Light, Life
Heart, Head, Hand

Truly, we cannot help but wonder. Is the awe-inspiring mysterious Sphinx ancient Egypt's greatest gift to us? Are the overwhelming pyramids, with their mys-sterious chambers, or the beautiful remnants of Pharaoh Tutankhamon's tomb ancient Egypt's greatest gifts? What about the Rosetta Stone which opened for us the meaning of all those ancient hieroglyphs? Is that stone ancient Egypt's greatest gift to mankind?

Or, as we read more and more into that old black, deeply worn Memphite stone slab---as we cull from it ideas that are vibrant at this very moment--are we not tempted to state, "Truly, this is ancient Egypt's greatest gift"?


PostPosted: Mon May 24, 2004 7:23 pm 

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PostPosted: Fri May 28, 2004 11:34 pm 

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 11:36 am 

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 11:47 am 

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 3:21 pm 

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 3:23 pm 

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 3:29 pm 

Joined:Sun Jun 27, 2004 1:14 pm
Another thing, Rameses falls so far off the 1446 BC date, it isn't even funny.

Take a look at the proposed chronology:

Notice the 40 year span of which Moses is in Midian. Notice the lines pointing at Thutmosis III as the replacemnt of Thutmosis II (Moses) because now they lost the male heir, and needed a replacement. Hatshetsup is co-regent along with Moses, but a male is needed in order to embody the gods. So in order to get a male to the throne, Nefure, who changes to Hatshepsut when she become coregent has Thutmosis II as coregent with her so that a male may take the throne.

Take note of the color coded boxes. Yellow meaning the Pharaoh ruling in thebes, while the coregent (Thutmosis') ruled in Memphis. Was a large empire, and so this is how it was done. When Amenhotep passed off the scene, the heir as well as coregent assumed his new title from Thutmosis to Amenhotep. Later on, when chaos struck Egypt because of the Exodus, and Moses proved that the Egyptian gods are false, the dynasty deviated from the usual pattern (names) after Amenhotep III, so that is why the "Thutmosis/Amenhotep" syndrome died away, and since the gods proved to be false, we see a pattern here as to why Amenhotep IV changes his name to Akhenatan. As you see, he ruined the system. Traditional scientists take these Thutmosis' and Amenhotep's and place them as different pharaohs, and although it appears there are separate mummies for them a close analysis will reveal that various mummies were found and put in place to fill in the missing slots. Later on, I'll have to post an article concerning the mummy scandal.


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