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PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2004 1:51 pm 
Egyptian Architect

Joined:Fri Mar 05, 2004 9:51 am
Location: Somewhere over the rainbow...


PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 2:00 am 

Joined:Thu Feb 19, 2004 11:24 pm
Location: Rome, Georgia USA


PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2004 7:08 am 

Joined:Wed Sep 25, 2002 1:08 am
Location: Derby
I think both points make perfect sense and each theory is equally valid. I just happen to subscribe to mine. As a child Tut was easy to control, manipulate, lead but as he grew to maturity he began to realise the power he held and wanted to exercise it, possibly contrary to the wishes of Ay. Ay may have realised that his hold over Tut would not last the older Tut became so if he wanted to hold on to power Tut would have to go.

How can you say "Well there was no proof of any kids or that they had intercourse so it didn't happen"?

If indeed they were married then they are likely to have done what most married couples do!!!!!

As regards Ay and Horemheb having plenty of time to father children but there were not any, well having children takes as long as it takes, whether that be a year or twenty years. Look at the examples of other rulers: Napolean in his 13 years of marriage to Josephine could not father and heir. He was so desperate for one he divorced her and married the Arch Duchess of Austria. Another king, Henry VIII, was so desperate for heirs he divorced 2 wives and exected 2 more. The one who finaly gave him his longed for heir died soon after. Only one wife survived him. In over 38 years of marriage to different women he only managed to father one son, who wasn't even healthy and died in his teens.

My point is that a long reign does not necessarily mean a lot, or any, children.

You say that it is not at all valid that Ankhensenamun's problems begetting an heir would not have carried over into any potential mariage with Ay. Well not only is it vaid but it is a very obvious point to speculate on, particularly as the mummified feotuses found in Tut's tomb showed evidence of a genetic disorder. If Ankhesenamun was indeed Ay's granddaughter trying to father a child with him would only compound and add to the problems of fathering an heir.


PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 6:51 am 

Joined:Wed Sep 25, 2002 1:08 am
Location: Derby


PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 8:05 am 

Joined:Thu Feb 19, 2004 11:24 pm
Location: Rome, Georgia USA


PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 8:39 am 


PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 8:42 am 

Joined:Thu Feb 19, 2004 11:24 pm
Location: Rome, Georgia USA


PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 6:58 am 

Joined:Wed Sep 25, 2002 1:08 am
Location: Derby


PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 7:34 am 

Joined:Thu Feb 19, 2004 11:24 pm
Location: Rome, Georgia USA
I'm and ex corporal in the british army so have studied the history of assinations where the military, paramilitary and terrorists are involved more than most people. I don't believe the murder of a pharaoh was common. You asked me to state one and I did.[/quote][/quote]

I don't know what to make of this up above. :shock:
However you didn't.

But whatever, there are good sports and there are bad ones. We learn what we want to learn not always the truth not always the best. I wish you the best in your interest in Egyptianology and i hope you understand that in this field there are always going to be different opinions. I hope you can become clearer in what it is you are trying to say.

Sincerely forgetting further attempts with you on this.


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