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Ancient Egyptian Forum • View topic - Does anyone know anything about Queen Hatshepsut?

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 9:02 am 

Joined:Thu Jan 06, 2005 5:27 am
I point out that I do write on many forums where freedom of speech is allowed. So threats to close this thread do not phase me at all. I have travelled all over Cyberspace Sura 4:82 challenging Islamic scholars by their invitation. So far every Islamic scholar has bitten the Dust. That includes their religious leaders and Imams. That is the price they pay for challenging me to challenge Islam with my Revelations. They still bite the dust to this very day.

This meaning of bite the Dust is similar to the Time Moses came down off the mountain to find those Hebrews had forged a golden calf. He ground it up and made them eat it. Likewise I do the very same to Christianity and Islam in my wake. Due to their blasphemous claims about the coming of the prophet that the Living God promised Moses he would raise up.

He was not Jesus nor was he Muhammad. Furthermore, I can prove this fact. I am someone who can and does back up my mouth.

I usually go to Islamic forum where thousands of thousands of their congregations exist all watching as their Islamic scholars bite the Dust powerless to defend the claims of Islam from my Revelations. I further point out that I do this under a very specific Islamic law. That law being if you know something that is not true then you should be unafraid and stand up and state it. The matter will then be discussed. And whatever is found to be true must be accepted because it is true and whatever is found to be false must be rejected because it is false.

I invoke this on the followers of Islam. If they cannot defend the claims of Islam then this law insists that they reject the words of Muhammad and the Quran because they have been established as being false. Whosoever thinks Muslims cannot be converted was mistaken as it is obvious Islamic law states they must reject the Quran and the claims of Muhammad as they have been established as being false. :D

I then quote the Sura 4:82 of the Quran. This challenge exists in the Quran for anyone Muslim or not to find errors found in the Quran. If errors are found then that is the proof that the Quran did not come from the Living God as Muhammad had claimed.

I do know of hundreds of errors in the Quran. However, I name 11 Chapters of the Quran that glorify Jesus as being the Prophet that the Christians claimed Jesus to being. That is 11 chapters of serious errors found in the Quran.

You see the Christians claimed Jesus was the long awaited Prophet that the Living God promised Moses he would raise up. The whole of the Christians New Testament is a testimony to that claim. That is why they called Jesus a Lord King and a King of Kings. The Messiah.

Muhammad was taught the Christian religion by Waraqi bin nawful his wife’s cousin. So when Muhammad walked about he tried to recall what he had been taught. However, as you may realise the memory of such a large testament is difficult to recall and so Muhammad just simply waffled out his own rhetoric. After all he was speaking to religiously ignorant congregations who would not know Muhammad was just waffling and not speaking truth regarding the Old or New Testaments.

This also caused problems amongst the Arab congregations as Muhammad said one thing to one crowd then when speaking of the same tale and unable to recall it word for word he invented new statements to another crowd.

This became realised when they tried to gather up the words of Muhammad that had been written on skins and wood and anything available. So one group of Muhammad idolisers heard one thing and another crowd heard something else. This led to arguments and wars. That is the very reason why there are Sunny and Shia Muslims. Because they each had different versions of the Quran and insisted Muhammad words are absolute and true. Yet the statements of certain events were completely different.

Neither crowd would alter their Quran as this collection of words was called. So it caused factions of Sunny and Shia Muslims who still fight over this issue even today. If one kills of the other then the winner gets their Quran as the main religious text. Which is even odder as the Quran is clearly not religious text at all anyone reading should easily grasp that after just a few Suras.
I further add that it is a matter of history that the Quran is simply a collection of some of the words Muhammad made in his speeches as he travelled about. This is proof that the Quran came just from the mouth of Muhammad and not from God as Muhammad and Muslims claim.

The word of Muhammad of course comes into further disrepute with his claiming on his famed journey through the night to have met Jesus the Christians Saviour. The Angel Gabriel that Muhammad claimed to be having conversations with as you know was written in Luke as giving prophecy to authenticate the coming of Jesus.

This of course was all done because of the last prophecy made in the Old Testament by Malachi

Malachi 3:1 Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the LORD, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the LORD of hosts.

This prophecy is the very reason as to why the Christians wrote the tale of the Appearance of the Angel Gabriel in the Temple. Also the reason why Muslims call mad Muhammad the messenger. Attempting to make it appear to be the fulfilment of the prophecy made by Malachi.

This was why the writers of the New Testament began their tales of a messenger who they called the Angel Gabriel. However, to add further persuasion the Christians also added a tale of John the Baptist as well of whom they could use to further their claim that Jesus was that Prophesied Prophet that the Living God promised Moses he would raise up.

Deuteronomy Chapter 18 Verse 18: A Prophet I shall raise up in the MIDST of your Brothers, like you. And I shall indeed put my words in his mouth and he will certainly speak to them all that I command him.

It is clear from the text and from all writings regarding the coming of this prophesied Deuteronomy Prophet that it is a male. And it is singular not plural. Put simply it is a man who as a first-born would be raised up in the midst of the descendants of Abraham.

According to the religion of Islam this famed Angel Gabriel is a liar and a fraud who's word is standing against the actual word of the "Living God". According to Islam this very same Angel Gabriel is promoting two Deuteronomy Prophets. That is a very serious error that stands against the actual word of the Living God.

The actual Prophet that Muslims claim Muhammad to be is that long awaited prophesied Deuteronomy Prophet that the "Living God" promised Moses he would raise up. Simply because Muhammad claimed this Angel Gabriel told him that he was that specific Prophet.

Mad Muhammad did not know in his own religious ignorance that the Christians claimed that Jesus was that long awaited prophesied Deuteronomy Prophet that the "Living God" promised Moses he would raise up.

That was why they called Jesus the King of the Jews and called him the Messiah and a Lord King and a King of Kings. Because that is the actual title of that very specific long awaited prophesied Deuteronomy Prophet.

11Chapters of the Quran claiming authenticity glorify Jesus as being the Prophet that the Christians claimed Jesus to be. However, Muhammad did not know the Christians were claiming Jesus to be that long awaited Deuteronomy Prophet because they always spoke of Jesus as being the Son of God.

Muhammad felt himself safe to make the claim that he alone was that long awaited prophesied Deuteronomy Prophet. Claiming, that he was a descendant of Ishmael and this was what was meant in the meaning of "in the midst of" and "of thy brethren".

Muhammad’s claims and the Quran’s claims {which were again just Muhammad’s words writ down} Shows the Quran is glorifying two Prophets as being that prophesied long awaited Deuteronomy Prophet that the Living God promised Moses he would raise up.

Muhammad and the Quran are further in error with Muhammad using the famed Angel Gabriel to confirm both as being the very same long awaited Prophet. The Angel Gabriel originated first in the Christians New Testament to promote Jesus as being that specific long awaited Prophet.

The Living God only promised Moses that he would raise up only one Prophet. Not two. There is only one Deuteronomy Prophet promised to appear by the Living God. The Quran stands against the actual word of the Living God due to Mad Muhammad’s claims and religious ignorance.

Muhammad believed in Jesus and 11 Chapters of the Quran glorify Jesus as being the prophet the Christians claimed Jesus as being unaware that the Christians claimed Jesus to be that very specific long awaited Prophet that the Living God promised Moses he would raise up.

Muhammad is not making a claim that he is Jesus. He was simply did not know which specific Prophet the Christians had proclaimed Jesus to be and was using the New Testament tales to help upload his own bullshit.

This shows that Muhammad was not telling the truth in his claims. Further that the Quran has 11 Chapters of errors where it glorifies Jesus as being the Prophet that the Christians claimed Jesus to being.

Many Muslims to this day are oblivious to this fact about the Christians claims about Jesus. When told they are shocked because they know Muhammad claimed that he was that long awaited Prophet. Muhammad believed in Jesus and 11 Chapters of the Quran also believed in Jesus because they are after all Just Muhammad’s words. That is a serious mistake.

Islam has bitten the Dust and Muslims have suffered from the Shockwaves of these Revelations. They cannot explain this away. It is obvious that Muhammad is a liar and a fraud as is the Quran, which was after all just repeated words from Muhammad.

Further the Quran brings the words of the Christians Angel Gabriel into disrepute and standing against the actual word of "The Living God"

Deuteronomy Chapter 18 Verse 18:

A Prophet I shall raise up in the MIDST of your Brothers, like you.
And I shall indeed put my words in his mouth and he will certainly speak to them all that I command him.

The text it does not say two prophets in Deuteronomy. It only says one as in A Prophet. All tales with regards to speaking about this specific Prophet in the Old or New Testaments is with regards to just one specific Prophet.

The Quran however, promotes two prophets and that stands against the actual word of the "Living God".

Whiles reminding yourself how Muhammad believed in Jesus and the Quran glorified Jesus in 11 Chapters of the Quran. There is even further evidence that Muhammad and the Quran and the Christians as well are all liars and frauds who are guilty of blasphemy and standing against the actual words of the "Living God".

According to the law of Deuteronomy Chapter 19 verses 15 onwards which is a law that decides upon matters of the truth regarding any crimes of Iniquity or Sin. You need two or three witnesses to establish if a thing is true or not.

There are no witnesses to any of the tales writ in the Christians New Testament. No witnesses to the appearance of any Angel called Gabriel not in the Temple or any other place. Nor are there any actual witness Testimonies to any miracles. It is all just hearsay tales writ by an obscure set of writers.

It is also a fact that there are no witnesses to any appearance of this famed Angel Gabriel to Muhammad anyplace. Or of any claimed Miracles that his idolaters made claims to. There are no witnesses to Muhammad’s famed Journey through the night into heaven. It is just the claims of Muhammad. A man who made claims that stand against the actual word of the "Living God"

It was so silly of Muhammad to proclaim himself to being the long awaited Prophet that the Living God promised Moses he would raise up. Not realising that the Christians claimed Jesus to being that specific Prophet over 1000 years before Muhammad was even born.

According to the law of Deuteronomy Chapter 19 verses 15 onwards the tales of the Christians New Testament and the tales of the Muslims Quran are all not true. They are established under Deuteronomy law to be written by untrustworthy liars who were inventing their text to make it appear as if that long awaited prophesied Prophet had appeared.

The Christians claimed it was Jesus and Muslims claimed it was Muhammad. Yet according to the actual word of the "Living God" it was neither.

The law of Deuteronomy is considered to be the actual word of the "Living God" .

Therefore, it is the actual word of the "Living God" that states Christianity and Islam are frauds and guilty of blasphemy.

The Christians grasped the importance of the law of Deuteronomy Chapter 19 verses 15 onwards, which is why they preferred to speak of Jesus as the Son of God rather than openly shouting Deuteronomy Prophet, which is what they proclaimed Jesus to be. These New Testament writers had to be careful what they said as under this religious law Blasphemy can serve up a death penalty. However, they did mention this two or three witness law as a pointer

John Chapter 5 Verse 31: If I alone bear witness to myself, my witness is not true. Also in John Chapter 8 Verse 17: Jesus said to the Jews: Also in your own law it is written, the witness of two men is true.

Muhammad is claiming that he is that long awaited Prophet that the Living God promised Moses he would raise up. Yet he believed Jesus was that specific Prophet also without even realising that Jesus was also being proclaimed as being that very same specific Prophet that Muhammad was now claiming himself as being. Hahahaha religious ignorance is something I find oh so funny.

I point out to you all that Muslims invited in fact goaded me to challenge Islam with these Revelations and so nobody is being disrespectful at all. Of course now that Muslims realise they have no legs to stand on they are a shirking. They have the backbones of old women and the legs of chickens. Be sure I won’t mind if you go tell them I said so. Be sure to spell my name right so they can quake in fear at the very memory. Tell them to come online and face me on a forum where they allow freedom of speech.

Moses was to be the next Pharaoh as the adopted Son of Nefure Hatshepsut. He would have been Thutmoses 11 however as he had to run away Nefure Hatshepsuts half brother took the job. He became Thutmoses the 11 and the 111 because he had to claim the title that Moses would have held. It was the Egyptian way of doing things. You probably know him by the name of Ramesses II. However that Title Ramesses is just another name for Pharaoh. He was in fact Ramesses II and 111. Because he also claimed the title of Moses.

Now then if you recall the Old Testament tale he was drowned in the Nile when the waves Moses had parted closed back in again. This meant ooops no Pharoah.

Nefure Hatshepsut however dressed herself up as one and played that part. OK.

Perhaps you all were not aware that there was a period of Time when no actual Pharaoh rules over Egypt because of the Moses incident.

Well now you have an explanation to the thoughts behind the acts of Nefure Hatshepsut. You can blame it all on Moses or on a silly Pharaoh who thought after all that he would make a stand against the living God of Moses and perished as the result. Egypt never wanted this problem to become known. However, Starjade hath now spilt the beans. :D

Right bye then……….


PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 6:32 am 

Joined:Thu Jan 06, 2005 5:27 am


Does anyone know anything about Queen Hatshepsut
PostPosted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 7:08 pm 
Tomb Robber

Joined:Tue Jun 16, 2015 8:41 am
Hi all, Im entertaining various business ideas. Does anyone know of any resources for finding out about translating how to train, how to find work, etc.? Do you think the best option would be to train in the foreign language college degree? Thanks for any information.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 7:02 pm 

Joined:Thu Jan 06, 2005 5:27 am
Yeah well we can see micky boy that nobody was all that interested in talking to you. Hardly surpsing though when you post such boring quips- :roll:


PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2016 9:17 pm 

Joined:Thu Jul 28, 2016 11:55 am
The forum's been kind of quiet. In case you are itnerested I made a new post here:


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