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Ancient Egyptian Forum • View topic - My Life Before Story of my past life

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My Life Before Story of my past life
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 8:27 am 

Joined:Sat Apr 12, 2014 7:49 am
Hye im just here to share that I have a book out that i'm dying for everyone to read.
My book is called My Life Before Story of my past life(at least on Amazon that's what is called) anyways my book is about an experience that I had that led me to believe that I wad reincarnated from the ancient world.

At first i was known as Hung Foot a mere servant and secret lover of King Seti I but then as more memories returned to me I discovered that Hung foot was just a nickname and I was known as Amenhotep the last child of Akhenaten and the second child of Kiya.

My memories allowed to regrain crucial information about what happened to some of my famous relatives such as Nefertiti. It turns out that Nefertiti is actually Nebetah the sister of Akhenaten and she was killed self defense by Kiya.

Nefertiti attempted to kill my mother in her sleep. Holding by Kiya by the neck choking her holding her down to pierce a small dagger in her. In a hesitant act my mother picked up a holden candle holder and smacked Nefertiti hard on the side of the face. The dagger wound came from Nefertiti herself trying yo pen my mother fown to get the kill.

For this act My mother was banished from Amarna but she was not alone. My mother was given a choice to either take me or my full older sister Tenta'aten with her and of course she took her one and a half year old son. But story doesn't begin there it begins the death of Mek (Meketaten) for that baby on her burial scene is her and me at the same time.

My sister Ankh (Ankhesenamun) did not die after Ay took over she fled. You see Mery (Meritaten) was demoted from being Queen for trying to keep the aten cult alive and I believe the Zonanza affair. She, Setepenre, and Tenta'aten(or Tentenaten ) ended being banished by Tut and Ankh( mainly by the priests of amun) they moved to Abydos where the later part of my life takes place. But it wouldn't be long for Ankh to join the rest of her siblings in a life of scrutiny. Both Nefernferure and Nefernferuaten comes later.

To find out more buy a copy of My Life Before Story of my past life on Amazon


PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 8:16 pm 

Joined:Sat Apr 12, 2014 7:49 am
I just want to fill everyone with some more info on my ancient life

For starters Tut was crowned at Armarna but he didn't want to become king. Tut was such a quiet boy who stayed off to himself and I think it had to do with him being the next king

Smenkhare was half Tut's age by his ascension as co-regent his role was infinitely short

There is definitely a secret chamber or vault in egpyt only the kings knew how to get in and I believe the last person s to set foot in it is Seti and myself.

There were another part of Seti's tomb that was meant for me but I never got the chance to see it.

All of Queen Tiye's daughter were there at Amarna however Henttaneb wasn't seen.

Queen Nebetnehat is actually a queen of Amenhotep 3 she had problems walking with her feet so bad that she needed the assistance of two female attendance to do so. It's my belief that she may have been a sister to Amenhotep III and a close cousin to queen Tiye. I also believe that she is also mummy kv21B

By the time of the Rammesides only Beketaten was alive. Other than Nebetah (Nefertiti) it is unknown what happened to the rest. However Iset had a daughter whose name is Psetenupe.

The dating after Ay is wrong the Rammeside era began within less of a decade about 8 yrs

That's all I hope that I didn't freak you all out or anything personally I still dont know if to believe this or not but there is a reason for everything and I thought it would be cool to share this with some one willing to listen.


PostPosted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 8:03 pm 
Tomb Robber

Joined:Fri Dec 19, 2014 7:43 pm
Location: PK
I'm just sick to heard about accidental stories.Even I pass away few months ago with the same above situation.I'm tied to unless I do.


My Life Before Story of my past life
PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 4:07 am 

Joined:Tue Jan 13, 2015 2:12 am
I think of all my ancestors, everyone who came before me, and made the sacrifices they

made, just so I could drink from the cup of life and play drums and be cool. I feel I owe it to them

to keep it going, so in the future one of my decendants will get to be cool too.

Polly, is it too late to donate eggs?

They wouldnt take my stuff, too old I was told.

Ill show them


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