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wierd egyptian statues and coincidences and a curse
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 12:55 am 
Tomb Robber

Joined:Thu Sep 20, 2012 11:31 pm
Hello I'm new here. I have a strange tale. first of all I live in the United States and I am a descended of slavery here in the states. I believe my family originated from the Ivory coast of Africa. I saw a post dedicated what pharoahs looked like in ancient times. And I have a strange one because I am one. No shit. Not only me but my ENTIRE family resembles members of the 18th Dynasty Pharoahs. We are not the only ones there are other people that resemble old statues.

When studying Africa, and I'm currently working on a degree in history. I studied places African Americans originated from and not Egypt because I believed that it already received enough hype and that other cultures should be revered too. I never really gave Egypt no more thought than I knew they were black and Pharoahs.

Here is where it gets strange. Someone cursed me. Seriously. I thought it was an ex-boyfriend perhaps angry at a break-up. The curse focused around my not being married, the Anti-christ, something about Michael Jackson, the President and hollywood so I ignored it for the most part.
I no longer hear the emoting of this through my television set of all things. It would tell me I was cursed. I need to hurry and get married.

It would try to convince me to believe in bible prophecies but, I'm athiest. Couldn't make me believe in the end of the world, Jesus nor the anti christ. I always felt they were colonial roman made up religions from zoroastrianism. I went on a few years and just ignored the curse. Then a guy told me about Dewayne Johnsons connection to the Presidents wife and the Rocky horror picture show. One of my favorite shows. I had never really watched the movie beyound sing the songs and throwing shit at the theater.

The U.S. President playing a live rocky horror show during a recession was shocking enough but, it got even stranger. I started asking the spirit that cursed me and never leave questions. It led me to ancient egypt. I told me I was Hatshepsut. I have only one nephew and he is the spitting image of Tutmoses III. So I watched a few videos about her life on the internet still half believing but her life seemed to somewhat mirror mines. I have no man nor boyfriend but I am alone not lonely. I still like to carouse bars occasionally and conversate.

I am a single mom with one daughter, but my sister has 4 children. My sister and me had children 5 months apart, so we had two babies near the same time. These two smaller kids now teenagers were cared for by my nieces and sister much of the time.

Senenmut. I can't find him.

The ones holding the KIDS are not men in my family they are my nieces and sister. My two older nieces whom look similar and are only 11 months apart in age are holding different small children. One with a round face and the other with a keener face. My baby daughter and my niece. My mom was the spitting image of the queen. The other male looking Senenmuts look like two of my aunts sons. Wierd!


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