More recent reports indicate that Dr. Hawass was wrong--that the "Younger Lady" was indeed a "lady" and not a male! And also it has been proven thru DNA testing that the "Elder Lady" is Queen Tiye, Tut's grandmother.
Not only was the "Younger Lady" a female, she was royal and DNA tests have proven that she was the biological mother of Tut!
The only question now is: Just who was she--besides being the mother of Tutankhamen? The two likeliest candidates (according to scholars) are Nefertiti and a lesser queen of Akhenaten's, Queen Kiya.
So I'm betting the "Younger Lady" is either Dr. Fletcher's Nefertiti--or Kiya.

P.S. Sorry--somehow I missed the second page here

and I see I am repeating what some others have already said. My apologies--not even my new glasses can help these old eyes lol!