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Ancient Egyptian Forum • View topic - Ancient Egyptian Zodiac Signs

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Ancient Egyptian Zodiac Signs
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 9:07 am 

Joined:Tue Jul 22, 2008 12:41 am
Location: England
Thoth (August 29 - September 27)

Thoth is the god of learning. Those born under this sign are typically accurate and capable problem-solvers and excellent organizers as well.

However, they would give up anything in return for a better offer.

Strengths: seasoned and original.

Weaknesses: rash, impatient and self-rigorous.

Jobs assumed: journalists, actors, lawyers and teachers.

Horus (September 28 - October 27)

Horus is the god of the shining sun. Those born under this sign would risk their lives to avenge father's death. They courageously face dangers and seldom forestall catastrophes.

Strengths: optimistic, brilliantly sociable and motivated to win the best in life.

Weaknesses: unrealistic, stubborn and reluctant to confront problems. Jobs assumed: politicians and media men.

Wadget (October 28 - November 26)

Wadget is the goddess of royal cobra; the symbol of knowledge. Those born under this sign are rational, cautious, conscientious, altruistic, ambitious and self-opinionated.

Strengths: Strongly loyal to family values.
Weaknesses: pessimistic, haughty and sometimes unsociable and miserly.

Jobs assumed: contractors, directors, architects, engineers and editors.

Sekhmet: (November 27 - December 26)

Sekhmet is the god of war and rivalry. Those born under this sign possess a brilliant mentality and sustained optimism and imagination.

They are eloquent and highly polemic in all fields.

Strengths: witty and highly adjustable in hard times.

Weaknesses: impatient, impetuous and quarrelsome.

Jobs assumed: teachers, lecturers, writers, announcers, investors.

Many of the world sports champions are born under this sign.

Sphinx: (December 27 - January 25)

Sphinx is the treasure guardian who could convert himself into the shape of any creature. Those born under this sign can change their attitudes to fit nearly all situations.

They are stern and shrewd and are characterized by an investigative faculty, self-discipline and high sensibility.

Strengths: While outwardly witty and humorous, in reality they are rather serious, discreet and discerning.

Weaknesses: They make misjudgments and are sometimes proud and haughty.

Job assumed: Self-employed.

Shu: (January 26 - February 24)

Shu is the god of sunlight and wind. Those born under Shu are incredibly creative. Whenever their talents are proved, their success becomes inevitable. Nevertheless, they are always apprehensive of possible failure.

Strengths: humorous, conscientious and principled.

Weaknesses: being hesitant, they often lose great opportunities.

Jobs assumed: social work, counseling, agriculture, care and prevention of cruelty to animals.

Isis: (February 25 - March 26)

Isis is the universal Mother. Those born under this sign are honorable, straightforward and idealistic. They use logic and intuition and view things from different perspectives. Their relationship with others are quite smooth.

Strengths: active and self-confident. Their thoughts and sense of humor render them quite popular.

Weaknesses: they get obsessed with ideas and retire when problems grow increasingly serious.

Jobs assumed: photography, commercial arts, and advertisements.

Osiris: (March 27 - April 25)

Osiris is the god of the Underworld. Those born under this sign are emotionally perplexing and often misunderstood.

Strengths: dynamic, intelligent, always opportunity-taking and enterprising.

Weaknesses: avoid responsibility.

Jobs assumed: teaching and sales.

Amun : (April 26 - May 25)

According to ancient Egyptian beliefs, Amun was the god who constructed the world. Those born under this sign are strong, firm and always sought for guidance.

Strengths: strong will, outstanding courage and self-confidence. They are excellent leaders as long as they do not over task their followers. Weaknesses: obstinate and intolerant.

Jobs assumed: financial work.

Hathor: (May 26 - June 24)

Hathor is the goddess of love . She is emotional, expressive and strongly linked with love. Those born under this sign enjoy life to the dregs. They are experts at winning the best in most situations.

Strengths: charming and romantic.

Weaknesses: Irascible and easily stirred up to strong love or bitter hatred, jealous and envious.

Jobs assumed: social work, show arts, painting and communication.

Phoenix: (June 25 - July 24)

Phoenix is the bird of life and resurrection. Those born under this sign can create possibilities from scratch.

Strengths: Optimistic, flexible and can promote optimism in others.

Weaknesses: solitary, stubborn, dreamy and unrealistic.

Jobs assumed : risky jobs, sometimes self-employed and are most probably great engineers.

Anubis (July 25 - August 28)

Anubis is the god of the mummification. It is the most determined of all signs. Those born under this sign are self-confident and their ability to keep things under control make them widely respectable

Strengths: sympathetic, generous, loving and perseverant in proving their view point.

Jobs assumed: advertisement and fashion


Re: Ancient Egyptian Zodiac Signs
PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 11:34 pm 

Joined:Sun Nov 09, 2008 2:53 am
Location: England


PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 5:30 am 

Joined:Sat Jul 09, 2005 6:54 am
Location: Taunton, UK


PostPosted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 12:10 pm 

Joined:Sun Dec 07, 2008 1:12 pm
Location: England


PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 1:29 am 

Joined:Tue Jul 22, 2008 12:41 am
Location: England
Mine's the Sphinx and it's very accurate for me.


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