I've read about the upcoming film based around king Tut. Alas there is nothing wrong with Tut, but aren't there many other, more interesting Pharaoh's or Queens? (to base a movie on) The two "shows" on Discovery about Nefertiti and Tut, soured me, and I don't know why. However, the one about Ramses was the worst! (Ramses the wrath of God or Man) Not only was it redundant, it was almost offensive. Anyway, I would love to see a film based on the Lord Meren Mysteries, or River God. The Christain Jacq volumes about Ramses wouldn't be a bad idea either, if the characters were a bit more realistic in the film version. (I've read the five novels, they're greating reading but Jacq made Ramses out to be too "perfect", as if he could do no wrong. In reality, Ramses was a God in his own right, but he was also human, with human flaws. I thought the female character were alright, but they were a bit "flat" and under developed to me) Anyway, just a thought.