And it will remain "controversial" ...
Numerous facial reconstructions have been done over the years.
Artist's impression "derived from studies, photo-diametric measurements and analysis from the recently exhumed mummy of King Tutankhamun and the comparative source of sculpted portraits" ([url=""]source[/url])
2002 reconstruction(s?) by "scientists & special effects artists", from 1968/69's x-rays
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2005 National Geographic reconstruction, based on CT scans: French Team | Egyptian Team | American Team
Notice how well the long nose "fits" with this depiction from Tut's throne chair:
Now, take the color from 2002 and the face from 2005, add a little roundness maybe, and a Somali looks at you... almost.
The problem is, in wall paintings Egyptians often look like they have slighly hooked noses; in statues, the soft, round "nubian" characteristics are more prominent. Too bad there are so few natural portraits! Although depicting the "ideal Egyptian" is one way of avoiding racism
So now there we have it - the asian, the "negroid" and the "caucasian" types...