Hmmm...this will be quite interesting.
I want it to be as close to accurate with people as possible. If yer gonna be Cleopatra, I'd have to find where in the story you'd appear, and it might have to be the God of Chaos, Set, that brings you back because he has Toth's chronos stone right now.
So far...nothing really happened. Just waiting for more people. But for now, take someone from the list if you can. I'll find a way to work Cleo in later.
Also, I need to post a villains list, speaking of Set:
On Set's team, we have:
Thutmosis III (Patron God-Reshpu, Syrian God of war; power=thunder and lightning, weapon-greatsword; can transform into a raven; wants revenge against Hatshepsut JUST because he hates her.)
Amenhotep III (Patron God-Sobek, Croc God of the Nile; power=mist and water, weapon=cat-of-nine-tails whip; Can transform into a croc; locked Akhenaten up in a dungeon for 14 years of Akh's childhood, Akhenaten fears this man with a passion; AIII was to beat and rape little Akh.)
Nefertiti (Patron-Apep, God of the Apocalypse; power=acid;can turn into a great serpant, weapon=whip; wants revenge on Akh because he kicked her out after she poisoned Kiya.)
Meketaten (Patron-Neith, Goddess of war, but please note Neith is not really a villain-like Montu betrays the good guys in the Realm of the Gods, Neith betrays the villains to the good guys. w00t!; power=hatred, weapon=dagger; feeds on hatred and can place it in others, just as Sena-tut's wife-can place and sense love in others;Meketaten is the second daughter of Akhenaten and Nefertiti, and she loves working with her mother. Meketaten feels nothing BUT hatred. She can turn into a vulture.)
Seti I (Patron-Ahti, a wasp goddess who has four arms and two legs, she is only a child with big glasses, braided pigtails and a dress. Cutest villain ever!!; Seti can turn into a Black rat, and his powers are pestilence, mostly with insects, weapon-staff. He is the father of Ramesses II, and teams up with his son. He is Set's actual son-who pulled an Amun and made it with a wife of Ramesses I. But Seti wants to be Set's heir, yet Set won't allow it...after all, Seti is a mortal. )
Ramesses II (Patron-Set; Can control the shadows and darkness, and can even turn into a shadow, he has two Khepesh swords as his primary weapons. He was also brought back by Set to join him, and Ramesses wants revenge on Moses, who "spoiled everything". Ramesses slowly grows insane, and by the end he is mentally GONE! He likes torture and has his own dungeon cell filled with torture toys. He especially bugs Smenkhare about it. )
Meryre (Patron-Shesmu, Vampire-demon God of the Underworld; Meryre used to be Tut's teacher in Akhetaten, and kicked the boy out of many schools. He was Akhenaten's head scribe, but became Tut's head scribe. He was fired and replaced by a scribe from Karnak, Akila-who is Tut's new, BETTER and understanding teacher (she is Hatshepsut in disguise as a scribe, shhh!). Meryre was banished from Khemet, but stayed behind thanks to Shesmu. He became a vampire, and now he wants revenge on Tut, and to do away with Akila. He can turn into a bat, and has the ability to raise the dead and make them attack Amun's chosen ones. His weapon his a club with spikes coming out of it.)
Hapu- (Patron-Babi, Baboon God of Male Dominance and Violence. Power=Earth, mostly thorns and vines; weapon is a giant wooden stick with two blades coming out of either side from the top horizontally, and the stick also has thorns on it. Hapu worked as Prime Minister under Amenhotep III, but when Akh was crowned he got fired, and replaced by Ay. Hapu swore revenge on Akhenaten for this, and is also out to get Ay.)
These are the villains. I have drawings of all of them my co-author Kate did, and bear in mind, this story is copyrighted, it is a Graphic Novel I am working on currently, and should be on a site as a sneak preview next year, and published if I get enough fans.
Seriously, tell me if you like my story! I need a fan base, I need All of your support!