Pharaoh |
Joined:Mon May 09, 2005 9:22 am Posts:574 Location: The palace of Tutness!
Tis all true, and to think I JUST literally found this out today, from my theatre professor.
This is the article:
The basic jist of the article for those who don't click on the link: Tut's mummy is now exposed to all, concealed in a glass airproof case. Apparently, the tourists who crowded the tomb were causing the mummy to deterioate quickly-when they exhaled, it was affecting Tut in such a way that if it continued, he would turn to dust.
Dr. Zahi Hawass and his league of extrodinary gentlemen covered the mummy in an airproof glass; yes, he's still in his own tomb, but once you visit it, you can also see the mummy, making a more enjoyable experience for you Egyptophiles out there!
Personally, I have mixed feelings about it, considering Tutankhamun is my favorite Pharaoh. However, if this is truely for the best, to preserve him and prevent him from being lost to us forever...then I'm all for it.
By the way...his actual BODY is covered, all you see is his head and feet. But still, his head is the best preserved.