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Ancient Egyptian Forum • View topic - Shattered: 6,000 years of Religious History

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Shattered: 6,000 years of Religious History
Author Message
PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 6:50 pm 

Joined:Tue Apr 03, 2007 10:35 pm
Location: Southern Australia
Australia. Announcement: Six thousand years of Religious History has been Shattered

Two Australian researchers have unravelled some of the mysteries that have formed civilizations throughout six millennium.

While investigating stories contained in many ancient texts, Ronald Pegg and Eddy Pengelly uncovered evidence of computer technology being described in well known religious stories and classical legends.

They revealed:
Evidence of computer technology described in the Bible.
Documented ‘Angelic Messengers’ identified as technological Time Travellers.
Purpose of visits to past to warn of War.
The future ‘Historical Events’ (Signs) foretold by these ‘messengers’ are now known.
The ‘Sealed Book’ used and cited by these messengers has been identified.
Certain ancient people (now known as ‘prophets’) encountered these Time Messengers.
The Prophets mistakenly regarded these Time Messengers as gods, God, or Angels.
The prophets’ stories of their encounter with ‘Gods or Angels’ became further distorted, and
those supernatural legends, myths, and stories became the basis for Religious Texts.
Over time, compiled pious texts were deemed to be absolute evidence of a supreme God.
Devout worship of the characters portrayed in the misconstrued stories evolved into modern Religions.
Eastern and Western versions of the Creation Story are also based upon Time Messenger encounters.
Nostradamus was visited by a Time Messenger, and was shown and told of future events.

Other Press Releases by Australian internet publisher World Breaking Discoveries include:
- Computer Technology found in Ancient Egypt
- Computer Technology depicted in Egyptian Hieroglyphs
- Australian Time Detectives Unearth the Past
- Religious People and Atheists are both Wrong about God
- Q Source of the Synoptic Gospels Found
- The Creation Myth Exposed
- The Book of Revelations - Finally Understood

An invitation to conduct a Peer Review of 10 years of research and evidence regarding these and many other topics is offered.

Last edited by Eddy_P on Mon Oct 29, 2007 7:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.


PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 8:34 pm 

Joined:Sat Feb 26, 2005 12:36 pm
Location: Saqqara... someday...
I'm mad. :evil:

The first three links were about the CD/Aten, which just wasted about six or seven seconds of my life. That's two licks from a tootsie pop - GONE.

Then the fourth and fifth links are nothing but an exact duplicate of this thread's original post, minus the bold face of the names. Reiteration is, again, a waste of my time of my time.

In the sixth link, you're going somewhere. You've got a little psychological stimulation going, but only a little. Of course, now that I think of it, I believe this relavation had come to me some years ago. I choose to believe what I was told to believe. ..Or ..something to that effect.

However, the seventh and eighth links were a short-lived disappointment. As soon as I read about the compact disk, I had had enough. Egyptians worshiped a sun god, modelled after a piece of fecal matter rolled around by a giant ant that ate your skin, as the movies taught me. It was not a burned copy of the Beastie Boys' Greatest Hits. ..Though I wonder how the relation of this article and Intergalactic Planetary would play out?

The final link really steamed my blood. It takes a piece of literature and tells me out right what the meaning is; however, I am not given the original texts to compare and have the opportunity to willingly agree or disagree with the given statements.

And when at the end of this, as a reward I'm given the opportunity to purchase an ebook whose claims are crudely presented, faintly backed (if at all), and presumably forced down my throat like the piece of tripe this is?!

Please, please, please put more efforts into your arguments. I'm bored - I want a challenge, and for an angelic, time travelling CD players' sake, don't waste peoples' time. Blargh.


Modern Computer Technology depicted in Ancient Texts
PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 9:35 pm 

Joined:Tue Apr 03, 2007 10:35 pm
Location: Southern Australia
Did you not go to the main website, where the information and visual evidence is presented - for free ?

Topic: Evidence of modern Computer Technology depicted in Ancient Texts

Here is a link to the website's invitation page that also lists other subjects examined:


PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 9:19 am 

Joined:Sat Mar 13, 2004 1:49 pm
Location: Long Beach, CA
I'm sorry, but the very idea of computer technology in the ancient world more than brushes the fringe--it dives right in!
ANY wild idea may be "proved" by the twisting and turning of words...
For me, accepted, proven thought and ideas--well documented by ancient writing/inscriptions, is the way to go.


PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 5:31 pm 

Joined:Tue Apr 03, 2007 10:35 pm
Location: Southern Australia


PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 1:50 pm 
Egyptian Architect

Joined:Mon May 15, 2006 3:31 pm


PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 3:16 pm 

Joined:Sat Mar 13, 2004 1:49 pm
Location: Long Beach, CA


PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 4:19 am 

Joined:Sat Jul 09, 2005 6:54 am
Location: Taunton, UK


PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 11:51 am 
Egyptian Architect

Joined:Mon May 15, 2006 3:31 pm


Egyptians did not have computers of their own
PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 7:04 pm 

Joined:Tue Apr 03, 2007 10:35 pm
Location: Southern Australia


PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 5:46 am 

Joined:Sat Jul 09, 2005 6:54 am
Location: Taunton, UK


Examples of compact disks
PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 7:38 am 

Joined:Tue Apr 03, 2007 10:35 pm
Location: Southern Australia
The outline of a compact disk in the Bible has also been found.

Hieroglyphs not only depict a circle with a hole in the middle, they document the contents of the compact disk itself.
Link to four examples:

A brief overview of my Egyptian Study. (Follow the On-Line study activities link for Egyptian Study)


New link, as some above are broken
PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 4:00 am 

Joined:Tue Apr 03, 2007 10:35 pm
Location: Southern Australia
The correct link for evidence for the above discussions is http://www.worldbreakingdiscoveries.com.au

Extra information has been included, plus visual evidence starts on page two.

Sorry for the inconvenience,


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