"It is proven just by the bible alone. noah had three sons . . . Ham was whom the egyptian came from along with others in africa. . . ."
I do not wish to disillusion you if you are a strict Christian or Jew, but the vast majority of historians and biblical scholars now discount the Bible as an accurate historical source. Whilst the Bible is not explicit in mentioning dates, it is not particularly difficult to add up the ages of various members of the Biblical lineage in order to date the various occurences of the Old Testament and Torah. Most learned scholars have (on many separate occasions) predicted that the Great Flood occured c.2300 BC, and this was indeed the date accepted by the Catholic and Protestant churches after the Great Schism of 1054. Any modern alterations of this date have little or no foundation on Biblical references, and scholars struggle to force the Great Flood any earlier than 3000 BC.
As you probably are aware, the Egyptian civilisation continued completely unaffected by this flood - the writings of the 'heretic' Manetho which supposedly disproved the Great Flood were verified by Champollion when he was able to accurately date the tombs at Saqqara and the valleys near Thebes.
Saying that the Bible proves Egyptian lineage is about as accurate as saying that it proves the existence of God. Whilst I am not prepared to go into that particular route of thought, even the most dogmatic Christian must accept that almost everything they think to be true stands a chance of being wrong.