Here's a suggestion. I've found a family tree of the 17rh and 18th dynasty which states that Thutmosis III had a son called Amenenhet with Hatshepsut's daughter, Neferure. If this boy was the 'son' refered to in the chapel and the original heir, maybe the women mentioned was Hatshepsut-merytre, mother of Amenhotep II.
back to what we were discussing before. We have to remember that Thutmosis III was head of the army before he took the throne on the death of Hatshepsut, which is an incredibly powerful position and one I don't think he could have obtained without Hatshepsut's say-so. If she was happy to have him there and it seems he was happy to be there, I don't think he was as angry about her taking power as history has portrayed. As head of the army he could have taken power away from his stepmother in a heartbeat. Hatshepsut knew she would probably die around the time that Thutmosis III would be old enough to take power for real.