Hi, I thought a Nefertiti\Akhenaten roleplay would be really fun to do. I could be Nefertiti, if that's fine.
If anyone else decides to join, it think it would be really neat.
Edit (DM28 here):
It's 1334 B.C. Smenkhkare has just married Meritaten and became co-regent. Nefertiti is missing, and some fear the worst. There are many rumours about the strange young prince who is now ruling alongside the aging Amenhotep III. Even among the social circles of court, nobody has a complete understanding of the tensions that have been subtlely affecting the delicate balance of traditional life. The underground, of which Ameny is an important part, watches eagerly as Akhenaten grows older. The feeling of everything starting to fall apart covers Akhetaten. All eyes are on the palace, as it's only a matter of time...
Character sheet:
Social Status:
Relatives (If any):
Basic background/bio:
Political stance:
For example...
Name: Ameny.
Gender: Male
Age: 34
Nationality: Egyptian.
Social Status: Noble.
Relatives (If any): One brother, Khu. His parents died early in Akhenaten's reign.
Basic background/bio: Ameny was born to a noble family and enjoyed a relatively peaceful childhood under Amenhotep III. During that time, Ameny was fascinated by his name's sake, Amun. The year Amenhotep III died, he became a priest of Amun at the age of 15. Three years after his initiation, Akhenaten became king. Ameny did not abandon his Amun worship and is currently participating in an underground organization to keep the traditional religion alive. It is unknown, yet likely, that the organization has connections in Akhenaten's city, Akhetaten, and his nobles.
Location:Somewhere in the Thebes area.
Political stance: Against the cult of Aten.
Occupation: Priest and part of the underground.
And to help you with the confusing dates (such as Amenhotep's reign, Akhenaten's birth, Smenkhkare's birth), here you go.
Amenhotep III:
Born 1401.
B.C. 1390 he began his rule at 11.
37 year reign.
Died in 1353 at 48.
Born 1362.
B.C. 1350 he began his rule at 12.
Born 1357.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v315/ ... meline.png
Why are these important? Age. Especially for bios. Ameny, for example, had to be old enough to remember Amun and Amenhotep III's reign, yet also somewhat young enough to be self-sufficient. To find his age, I had to look back on when Amenhotep died and when Smenkhkare came about, to establish what the current year is, but I chose 1334 since that's when Smenkhkare appeared.
While your characters don't know this, Smenkhkare and Akhenaten are going to die in a matter of years. Specifically, Smenkhkare dies in 1332, and Akhenaten in 1333. Now, remember, all these dates I'm giving are disputed by some, but that's because no one knows for sure. However, in an RP, you need firm dates, or else everything gets confusing.
If you want to RP a main character, like Smenkhkare, Akhenaten, Meritaten, or Nefertiti (if you plan on RPing as her in exile), then please make sure your posts are of good quality. It's no different than being the lead in a play. You have a big part, so fill it well, and know your stuff.
I hope that helps get this thing started.