I am bemused by your statement. I have never come across any such claims that Ramesses II was a commoner in any book, textbook or historical source that I have encountered. The unanimous opinion seems to be that Ramesses was born of Thuya and Seti I, and that (at least) one of his elder brothers predeceased him and for this reason he took to the throne.
Let's just go through your statements step by step. Because I find them confusing:
"Given the combined length of the reigns of Ramesses I and Sety I it's fairly certain that Ramesses II was born before his grandfather ever took the throne."
O.K. Seti I ruled for c.14 years, as an average of various historical records, and Ramesses I ruled for c.3 years. This makes their combined period of rule around 16 years. We know, as I have said, that Seti I made Ramesses II Prince Regent when he was fourteen, at some stage during the late period of his rule - it is therefore perfectly plausible that Ramesses II was born when Ramesses I was on the throne, but not 'fairly certain' that he was born a before. It's *just about* possible to my mind. Either way, it's largely irrelevant. At that stage in Egyptian history there was no such thing as 'royal blood.' Horemheb, the predecessor to Ramesses the First was not born of royal blood, and since he had no firm heirs, it was clear that a military commander or vizier would take over from him. Ramesses I was both. He may have been of no royal heritage, but there was no royal heritage left at the time! Ramesses I founded a *new* dynasty!
Let's say you're correct, and let's say Ramesses was born in the last few years of Horemheb's reign (which, with current datings is barely possible - it puts Ramesses II's total life span at around 90 years, and also makes impossible the commonly agreed suggestion that he became Prince Regent at 14). He would have grown up in hugely affluent surroundings with his grandfather - the Grand Vizier and high priest of Amun, a man who had probably had a strong feeling that he was to become King long before the birth of his grandson, and also with his father who was high up the Royal administration. Hardly a commoner's birth. By the time he was fourteen, his father had already been on the throne for several years. He knew he was to become King.
Basically, I see what you're saying, but by the time Ramesses was able to think for himself (around 5 or 6), he would have known that his father (and later he himself) was to become King. Commoner is far too strong a word.