I am part of a musical duo, two lovers of ancient Egyptian mythology, who have merged Jamaican reggae grooves with themes of the Heliopolitan cosmology in a new CD: Hydrogen Burning by Dream Art Science.
We think other lovers of ancient Egypt will enjoy these songs.
Full versions of all 8 songs are available for listening or free download on our website:
from Gates of the Duat:
My heart is mine in the House of Hearts
The doors of the sky are open for me
I will go in and out
I will go here and there
At all the gates of the Duat
At all the gates of the Duat
from No Place (Song of Atum):
Once I lived in solitude
In the company of the uncreated
Once I was alone in the waters of Nun
And I could find no place to stand
I could find no place to stand
from Khepri (Rising Sun):
Khepri, Kheper, Kheperu, Kheper-kuy, m Kheperu, m Kheperu
Before there was time, before there was space,
Before there was day, before there was night
Before there was black, before there was white
There was one in the sea of Nun
from Inundation:
I dreamed about the Inundation
I dreamed about regeneration
I dreamed about the Inundation
And the waters of re-creation
Four days coming
Dog star rising
Sirius, Sirius, Sirius[/quote]
Camille Paglia -- author, Salon.com columnist: "It is magical! It certainly transformed my campus office from the moment I slid it into my computer."
Smother.net: "Mixing in reggae rhythms with smooth soft rock, Dream Art Science are a cerebral mash-up. With beautiful female vocals, these San Francisco natives write compelling songs."
If you like the music we would enjoy hearing about it!
email: DreamArtScience at costar.org
(replace " at " with "@")
Kevin Shrieve
Dream Art Science