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Ancient Egyptian Forum • View topic - Hieroglyph for END

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Hieroglyph for END
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 9:58 am 

Joined:Tue Nov 23, 2004 1:33 pm
I don't know if others know or realize that egypt being kemet means "evolving/evolve". That being said or should I say typed, I realized as humans we have failed to pay attention to all that is documented, accounted as history and "all is known"and "all is written".

The hieroglyph for "End" is ALIF, being Arabics "beginning" meaning ONE.
ONE known as Allaah* whom is the beginning and the end, the "unseen" "hidden" "who has no second" being Amen and Aten which has no imagary to define except as rays of light (Ra/Re# ...a drop of golden sun...mi...a name/ren I/eye call myself...) 'Only one from one' meaning ONE as in "Alif" being Allaah himself consider egyptians "end" is arabics "beginning".

So considering that Egypt is Kemet forever being in a evolving process in obtaining a perfect secular level at the conscious sphere has always been in existance. What makes egyptianologist assume that those of the ancients are no longer in existances, when evidence shows those of the ancients are in existances whom are among other cultures?

Example; akh is arabic for brother. Add 'et' for a female referance as to identify as female is akhet meaning sister in arabic. This showing of an Egyptian word "Akhet" representing a month of the Ancient Egyptian year is a female reference to the month which begins with the female enity Sopdet/Sothis personified as the Dog star Sirius. Alike Egyptian reference of a woman is identified with a 't' at its ending of a word, so is the same principal applied to arabic.

Understanding ancient egyptianology is so much easier when you apply common sense of what theologist study as faith. You must remember that "all" religious thought originated with the ancient Egyptians and were form by it. Egyptian and Arabic are alike/ka of one another in the sense of the "word" being Allaah himself known at one time as Amen/Aten. Reason why egptianologist have trouble determining of where the ancients egyptians had left off, because what is known as signs or symbols to those of the word being arabic where hieroglyphs.

BTW, ka in arabic means alike, alike meaning like one another, showing resemblance, similar, being equally in alikeness is the same concept of the egyptian word ka meaning double or twin. To have alike (ka) that is the same in alikeness of oneself is consider a double/twin called the ka to ancient egyptians. Do you now see how Arabic and Egyptian are the same?


PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 3:33 am 

Joined:Thu Sep 09, 2004 9:00 am
Location: England
Tenous. . . . . . .


PostPosted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 12:37 pm 

Joined:Tue Dec 09, 2003 12:21 pm


PostPosted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 8:05 pm 

Joined:Tue Nov 23, 2004 1:33 pm
Do you read "Scripture" as in the word of Allaah Amen Aten?
Because my knowledge is comprehension of theology as in ancient texts such as the "Book of the Dead", the "Targum/Bible", the "Koran", and subjects of the soft sciences combined with forsight on writtings of Silverman, Budge and Brier (could have spelled it wrong). Along with many others input based on facts.

Why? You have no idea about those of the Monarchies being of the Royal Palace known as the Pharaoh(s) and its secrets of a "Evolving society" known among those of the elite as the "Initiated"?
Complicated, but can be explained.

In brief, those out side of the Royal Palace were given the position of the "Big Man", but never being King. Though given intitlements and having previledges the same as a King/Pharaoh, many are known as individuals known as being the educated, the statesmen and priests to those of the ancients and today known as Primeministers and members of parliment for a monarchy.

Another observation is the judical system known as the Right side of the Crown being the right side of the law based on theological base systems being of right and truth known as Maat being the feather represent as a pen whom is known to taught Man known as the Arabic language being Allaah himself that has been hidden as Amen. Aten having no imagery as in a physical body as a man, but as the word being a curasive line that is known to be from the void/abyss before the creative impulse of one was created into form known as a cobra/snake called Nehebakau consider as Jibril/Gabrieal being of spirit.
Zero was before One/God/Man, remember that.


PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 11:15 am 

Joined:Thu May 11, 2006 11:29 am
Location: Alicante, Spain


PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2006 2:48 am 

Joined:Sun Apr 10, 2005 2:45 am
Location: Roma, Italy


PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 12:24 pm 

Joined:Tue Nov 23, 2004 1:33 pm


PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 9:30 am 

Joined:Tue Nov 07, 2006 12:58 pm
Location: Edinburgh


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