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Ancient Egyptian Forum • View topic - Let's make an Akhenaten opera!

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 6:58 pm 
Egyptian Architect

Joined:Tue Jun 14, 2005 12:42 pm
Location: Palatine,IL
Hey, want to talk about this some more? Let's start on the cheesy one first. Actions in emphasis. Put it to the tune of Producers. Thoughts in bold.

I want to be a pharaoh, with a kingdom at my feet!
Dusts off throne.
I want to be a pharaoh so I can :snap: and everything would go my way!
Snaps fingers and servants bring him stuff.
No more fooling with temples, and silly worship of the sun.
See the closure of Sun TempleWhen I become pharaoh everything will be more...fun
:whisper: At least to me.

A want to be pharaoh, because let's face it: Egypt needs a guy like me!
History remebers it Thutmosis' because they acted when they should!
Show pictures of famous generals, to get a laugh include George Washington & Napoleon.I want to see this Kingdom stech to the farthest thing. Show Egypt in background, gestures.
Peaceful people don't live in peaceful times.
Show him thrust a weapon into a Ankhenaten statue.
Naturally, Anhkie and me didn't always see all to eye...
But also naturally, you would rather lie than die-- :Door suddenly opens:

:TUT enters:
Hi you two. I was wondering where you are? What were you talking about, something about death?
:The two look at each other:
AY: We were...saying how sad it is your father died.
HOREMHEB: Yes, he was a strong and hor-honorable man.
TUT:Oh. Alright, later I want to talk with you about the military budget.
HOREMHEB: Yes, Your Highness.
:TUT leaves room:
AY: Pesky kid.
H: I know, but what can we do? Hopefully he will die young.
A: But kid rulers can live until 90! PepiII did!
H: Oh Set! We will all be dead by then.
A: No kidding:rollseyes: I bet you could ask that kid for gold chariots,and he would give it to you.
H: Why would I want gold chariots? It's a weak metal...
A: Unlike your skull. Look, do us all a favor & go to Maya and buy a sense of humor!
:H leaves disgusted:
Silly boy. I want to be pharaoh, and he's an egotistic jerk.Stab my back in the end. Be the death of me, eh Northern Warrior? I say no.Ay
Silly old man. I want to be pharaoh, and there he is looking the part! Mark my words, Ay the old, treacherous scum & suck up! You will be vanquished. Even your very name will be erased! As will be the fate of the peace loving fool, his foreign wretch, and all their scornful children. Thus says Horemheb!


PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 10:02 am 

Joined:Thu May 05, 2005 8:23 am
Location: Miskolc, Hungary


PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 7:42 pm 
Egyptian Architect

Joined:Tue Jun 14, 2005 12:42 pm
Location: Palatine,IL


PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 2:50 pm 

Joined:Thu May 05, 2005 8:23 am
Location: Miskolc, Hungary
Whoa. These are really amazing... :shock: :shock: :shock: Are you a writer, a poet or something like that?? :D I can realise.. ^^.

Anyway, what shall be the next scene? Because, in the outline, we planned to start with Amenhotep III, but now Akhenaten also died... so? Maybe we could involve some scenes between Tutankhamon and Ankhesenamun - my second favourite in this little musical. ;) Or something else?

Anybody else? Oh, come on, everybody... :) So what do you think of the Tutankhamon/Ankhie scene? And a question: now they're in Thebes, not? They have already returned from Amarna?... I think. :)

Or maybe we could put a scene of the burying of Akhenaten, or something like that.


PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 2:45 pm 
Egyptian Architect

Joined:Tue Jun 14, 2005 12:42 pm
Location: Palatine,IL


PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 5:41 am 

Joined:Thu May 05, 2005 8:23 am
Location: Miskolc, Hungary
Okay, then. That's what I thought about... well, it's not perfect, I know... :P

It's midnight, Tut is standing next to his bed - he can't sleep. He's thinking about his father, Akhenaten... :-)

TUTANKHAMON: You're still so far, but close enough
To give me an advice
These times are are very though
And I've failed once or twice.

Tut looks at the moon, looking for the sun, but he doesn't see it, of course.

TUTANKAMON: I don't see you, my dear father
But you always told me that
I don't have to bother...
So why I feel so flat?
Nobody helps me, I'm alone
Where are you? Probably there... (*points at the sky*)
Where did you go?
I see you nowhere...
How will you help from far away?
Now I can't find my way.
Now I can't find my way.

Turns to the room.

TUTANKHAMON: I should have a perfect life
Servants, treasure and rule are nice
But everyone turned against me...
Food and drinks are so sweet.
But everyone turned against me.
The kingdom lies at my feet
But everyone turned against me.

Tut turns to the door.

TUTANKAMON: Why do they have to hate me?
Why can't we be a happy family?
What should I do, they'll kill me!
Help, my father, or don't you see?...
You are so far, I know
And don't see what happens
Now I know you don't see
Or just don't care...
Just don't care...

Tut sighs. Then he becomes angry.

TUTANKHAMON: If you don't care, I won't then
Just leave me to fail again!
I'm not interested in
Your silly, fool thoughts about
the sun and your crowd
I'll return to good old Thebes;
That's my last word about it!


PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 3:41 pm 
Egyptian Architect

Joined:Tue Jun 14, 2005 12:42 pm
Location: Palatine,IL
Hey, after we are done writing about Ankhenaton how about we do a movie about the Old Testament?Mel Gibson proved that religion is big.Besides I love the Bible. :heart:


AY: It's a moving day, back to Thebes and back to reality! I have not been this happy since the Amenhotep awarded me with the position of advisor!

Ramsees whispers: I win. He's ancient.
Horemheb: You owe me 200 debens in beer.
Ramsees: Take two off my debt.
[i]Two shake hands[/i]

AY: Everything is working as planed,my friend! I have the brains, you have the brawns & Egypts finest backing you up! Win/Win situation...
[i]We are going to give Tut this habit of busting just before Horemheb or Ay admit to treason.[/i]
TUT: Win what? A dice game?
AY: Yeah, Ramsees here was just telling me how he always wins at gambling!
[i]Horemheb struggles to contain his laughter.Ay glares at him[/i]
AY: I believe Horemheb is ill from too much alchohal. Ramsees,please take him home.
RAMSEES: Sure, thats what friends are for. :evil: look on his face toward Horemheb.

TUT: Wait! I wanted to talk to you about the military issues!
[i]He runs after the two soldiers. The guards are nowhere to be seen because everyone is packing to get to Thebes.[/i]
AY:Wait! Come back! Ah well, no one listens to me anyhow!

[i]Ramsees and Horemheb walk past their old haunts in Akenaton[/i].
Lostris- You are better at lyrics than me. Write a duet akin to "I'm sure going to miss it- but not alot!"

Tut manages to catch up to the two buddies.
Tut: Where are you going?
R: Where did you come from?
H: Nevermind, we have to visit a very important place-
[i]This place is Moonlit Saloon. It's basically a tavern. Not exactly high class,great for people on a soldier's sallary. If the ancient Egyptians had country music, it would have been played there[/i].
Tut has never experianced anything like it before.
Horemheb goes and buys himself a drink.
H: Waiter, another round!
Waiter: Sir, I think 5 is enough.
Tut: I want a drink!
Waiter: Kid, you are going to have to pay for it.
Horemheb: But he is the pharaoh!
Waiter: And I am Swiss cheese!
Ramsees: Don't worry, I'll pay for Tut. Horemheb do you have two dollars?
Horemheb: I gave you two.
Ramsees: Oh right... [i]Gives waiter two deben.[/i]
I will pay you back,buddy.
Horemheb: Right. :roll:
[i]Waiter brings Tut a kiddie cocktail[/i]
Horemheb: Someday Rommel and Patton will battle it out on these plainesss---
Tut: Is he alright?
Ramsees: Yes, just drunk. How are you kid?
Tut: I don't think I can be pharaoh.
R: Why?
Tut: I'm not good enough.
Ramsees: Who says that?
Tut: Dad did, that's why Semenkhare is here.
Ramsees: I don't think he will last long. It doesn't matter how you get your throne,as long as you sit on it it's yours.
Tut: Thank You. I think someday you could be a pharaoh?
Ramsees: No, but it would be funny!


PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 3:10 am 

Joined:Thu May 05, 2005 8:23 am
Location: Miskolc, Hungary
Hi, Selket!

I love your new lines, too, they are absolutely great! I was just thinking about how can you make all of them so perfect?? They are very good! So I guess you're a real writer or a poet, or not? :D :D :D

I'm working on the new scene, too. Maybe I'll put it on here on Friday... sooner or later, but it will be up on Friday, it's sure!! :)

Keep up the good work!!


PostPosted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 7:37 pm 
Egyptian Architect

Joined:Tue Jun 14, 2005 12:42 pm
Location: Palatine,IL


PostPosted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 6:57 am 

Joined:Thu May 05, 2005 8:23 am
Location: Miskolc, Hungary


PostPosted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 6:55 pm 
Egyptian Architect

Joined:Tue Jun 14, 2005 12:42 pm
Location: Palatine,IL


PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 5:41 am 

Joined:Thu May 05, 2005 8:23 am
Location: Miskolc, Hungary
Just a quick note: it's not only Selket's and my work! If you have some ideas for our opera, you could write down everything! :D Remember, it's a KTO musical!!!! ^^. You can add lyrics, costume designs or anything you want, we're opened! ^^


PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 5:03 pm 

Joined:Mon May 09, 2005 9:22 am
Location: The palace of Tutness!


PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 7:39 pm 
Egyptian Architect

Joined:Tue Jun 14, 2005 12:42 pm
Location: Palatine,IL
I want you guys to be the first to know of the miraculous twist ending...

Remember this debt that Ramses has,ok? He is one of those types of people who love their friends and are ready to die for them...or kill.

H: Who killed the Prince? I swear I will have his--
R: Me.
H: You, but why?
R: I owed you all that money and Ay sent me the treason filled letter,requesting that I attack the borders.
H: Ay...I understand now.
R: Are you going to kill me?I am more than ready,and if the gods find fault with me for being an honorable person-so be.
H: You don't understand. I am not mad at you.
R: What???I killed--
H: War is different,war is always different.I am proud of you. Ay is ancient. He'll kill over in a few years. You have repayed your debt with--interest.
R: And that means.
H: When I become pharaoh, you will become head of the military. You have a strong boy,Seti. After I die you will become king.
R: I do not know what to say--
H: That's ok, come on let's go get Tut and teach him archery.
R: You mean try to...
They leave for the palace.
tutness~How about you do the archery scene? I would be really cute.


PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 9:21 am 

Joined:Mon May 09, 2005 9:22 am
Location: The palace of Tutness!
Me? Do a scene?! Really?!?! Yaaay! :D Awesome! Ok, well....my comic is gonna influence me...you asked for it. :twisted:

Arhcery scene!:

*In the king's chamber, young Tut is laying lazily in bed, looking out at the clear sky with a bored expression grazing his features. There is a light knocking, and he turns to see Ramses at his door*

Tut: ...Can I...help you...? *Quirks a brow*
Ramses: Your highness, it's time for your...archery lesson...*Narrows his eyes slightly*
Tut: *Sighs with exasperation, then sits up, giving the man a stubborn glare* I don't NEED to learn archery. I can do plenty good myself. *Defiantly smirks* I mean, I'd be a lot better at it than you...and Horemheb...
Ramses: *Quirks a brow in mockery*...Oh? *Smirks and tilts his head to the side*...Well, then...prove it...
Tut: *Blushes lightly, then hops to his feet, slipping on his sandles and marching out with pride* Fine, then. I will!
Ramses: *Rolls his eyes, sighing* Finally...

*Ay is watching the lesson from a high window in the palace, smirking with sadistic glee at the young king. Tut is strecthing his arms and legs with boredom, feigning the fact that he really hasn't a clue in the world. He is given a bow and arrow, and he stands proud, looking at the ostrich skin target, a red circle in the middle*

Tut: Ok! Now's MY time to show you morons who's boss around here!
Horemheb: Tch...just go...
Tut: *Turns to Horemheb angrily* WHAT WAS THAT?!
Horemheb: *Faking innocence, raising hands in a gesture of peace* Nothing, your highness...
Tut: *Grins* Heh, that's what I thought...now! As I was saying! *Begins to sing:*....Time to show these losers while I sing...that I'm no kid, I'm the greatest king...!!

*Tut holds up the arrow, ready, and after he sings he shoots...and the arrow falls flat on the ground. His eyes widen with confusion, and he looks down at the fallen arrow. After a pause, Horemheb and Ramses burst out laughing, clutching thier sides tightly. Ay laughs as well from his place at the window, holding onto the railing for support*

Ay: *Singing* That child...has yet to learn...*Smirks evilly*....what it takes to rule...if he can't even fire an arrow to smite his enemies...we are all truely doomed....

Tut: *Waving his fists in the air at the two on the ground, laughing at him* That was just a prentend shot!! I was just tricking you guys to see if you fell for it! *Grins defiantly, pointing at the two* And it looks like you fell for it! THIS is what I can do! *He readies another arrow, shoots...and yet again it hits the ground.*....Re-dammit!! That's not--!!

*The two laugh only harder at the king's follies, and they resume on the lesson, Tut growling and screaming that he never asked for thier help. Ay looking on, with a wider smirk.*

Ay: *Sings softly*..We are....truely doomed....

Yeah, that's what's in my comic too. All I did was add the little singing lines. Told ya it was gonna influence me! :lol: 8) I'll draw this scene tonight, and hopefully show you guys tomorrow. ^__^


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