Hey, after we are done writing about Ankhenaton how about we do a movie about the Old Testament?Mel Gibson proved that religion is big.Besides I love the Bible. :heart:
AY: It's a moving day, back to Thebes and back to reality! I have not been this happy since the Amenhotep awarded me with the position of advisor!
Ramsees whispers: I win. He's ancient.
Horemheb: You owe me 200 debens in beer.
Ramsees: Take two off my debt.
[i]Two shake hands[/i]
AY: Everything is working as planed,my friend! I have the brains, you have the brawns & Egypts finest backing you up! Win/Win situation...
[i]We are going to give Tut this habit of busting just before Horemheb or Ay admit to treason.[/i]
TUT: Win what? A dice game?
AY: Yeah, Ramsees here was just telling me how he always wins at gambling!
[i]Horemheb struggles to contain his laughter.Ay glares at him[/i]
AY: I believe Horemheb is ill from too much alchohal. Ramsees,please take him home.
RAMSEES: Sure, thats what friends are for.

look on his face toward Horemheb.
TUT: Wait! I wanted to talk to you about the military issues!
[i]He runs after the two soldiers. The guards are nowhere to be seen because everyone is packing to get to Thebes.[/i]
AY:Wait! Come back! Ah well, no one listens to me anyhow!
[i]Ramsees and Horemheb walk past their old haunts in Akenaton[/i].
Lostris- You are better at lyrics than me. Write a duet akin to "I'm sure going to miss it- but not alot!"
Tut manages to catch up to the two buddies.
Tut: Where are you going?
R: Where did you come from?
H: Nevermind, we have to visit a very important place-
[i]This place is Moonlit Saloon. It's basically a tavern. Not exactly high class,great for people on a soldier's sallary. If the ancient Egyptians had country music, it would have been played there[/i].
Tut has never experianced anything like it before.
Horemheb goes and buys himself a drink.
H: Waiter, another round!
Waiter: Sir, I think 5 is enough.
Tut: I want a drink!
Waiter: Kid, you are going to have to pay for it.
Horemheb: But he is the pharaoh!
Waiter: And I am Swiss cheese!
Ramsees: Don't worry, I'll pay for Tut. Horemheb do you have two dollars?
Horemheb: I gave you two.
Ramsees: Oh right... [i]Gives waiter two deben.[/i]
I will pay you back,buddy.
Horemheb: Right.
[i]Waiter brings Tut a kiddie cocktail[/i]
Horemheb: Someday Rommel and Patton will battle it out on these plainesss---
Tut: Is he alright?
Ramsees: Yes, just drunk. How are you kid?
Tut: I don't think I can be pharaoh.
R: Why?
Tut: I'm not good enough.
Ramsees: Who says that?
Tut: Dad did, that's why Semenkhare is here.
Ramsees: I don't think he will last long. It doesn't matter how you get your throne,as long as you sit on it it's yours.
Tut: Thank You. I think someday you could be a pharaoh?
Ramsees: No, but it would be funny!