1. I think this assumption was based on Amenhotep’s wife -Queen Tiye. If the harem was located in Malquata, then it is assumed that Nefertiti was born and raised there, in turn, coming up with the theory of her childhood.
2. I always thought it was Tee;)
3. I agree! That was extremely dorky, along with the coffin of Akhenaten.
4. It was Discovery Channel’s way of showing her “competing” with the pharaoh, allowing her to be more important then just a queen – showing her status. I think they just wanted to show her importance during the late 18th dynasty and Akhenaten’s drastic changes.
5. ?
6. I really don’t know, or anyone else of that matter. In my opinion, the mummy seems to be young, which might not make her Nefertiti; however, I don’t know much about bones and could be wrong;) .
7. Good question, keep in mind the Amarna Period brought forth many radical changes, which offended many priestess. So maybe during the burial, she was smashed by some priest who disliked her too much. Or some tomb robber was in a hurry to grab all her jewelry and defaced her. It’s all speculation;)
I agree, then ending was dorky….wait it was goofy. I do however think the show was fascinating and had many great points. It is neat that Dr. Joann Fletcher worked hard on this project and brought forth many new theories and suggestions. She is a great Egyptologist; although some theories may be farfetched, it is Egyptologists like her that make Egyptology so fascinating. They pave the way for answers.
Good Questions!