That may be tough
There were several statues of Sekhmet found in the Karnak cache. These date to the period of Amenhotep III.
There's a tomb found by Zivie of the Royal Scribe and Chief of the Granaries, Mery-Sekhmet, who lived in Dynasty 19. Showing that Sekhmet was prominent enough in that time to appear in a name of a high-ranking official. ("beloved of Sekhmet"). Sekhmet was the consort of Ptah and locally one of the great deities.
I know the links won't do, but they give you an intro.
Zivie spends only 2 pages on the tomb in "Les tombeaux retrouves de Saqqara". There's more info about the tomb on the website I mentioned.
Reeves mentions in his book "Ancient Egypt: The great discoveries" that many statues of Sekhmet have been found in Thebes:
1760 Donati finds a Sekhmet statue at in Thebes
1800 Napoleon's expedition find 15 whole and fragmentary statues
1816 Belzoni finds 18 more at KArnak
1817-18 Belzoni and Salt find 20 more (5 in good state)
A series of Sekhmet statues were found at Amenhotep III's mortuary temple at Kom el-Heitan.
They now estimate the number of statues of Sekhmet at Karnak to run over 700! The majority are inscribed for Amenhotep III. Others date to Ramses II, Pinudjem I (21st dynasty) and Shoshenq I (Dyn 22).
But most of the later statues were probably usurped from Amenhotep III.
Reeves mentions that the collection has been described as a monumental litany in stone intended to conjure the goddess in pharaoh's eternal defence. It may be related to his heb-sed festival. It's also possible that it is related to the plague that ran throughout the neareast in the 14th Century BC.
(All of this is from Reeves' book

In Wilkinson's "The Complete Temples of Ancient Egypt" there is also mention of Sekhmet.
There's a temple dedicated to Hathor-Sekhmet at Kom el Hisn. This one again dates to the time of Amenhotep III.
Sekhmet was also the consort of Ptah and mother of Nefertem, so she must have been worshipped at Memphis as well.
I'm sure a good boook on egyptian mythology will cover Sekhmet as well.
I don't really have one of those, but they should be easy to find.
I think I have seen people recommend this one by Wilkinson: ... 5?v=glance
Not sure if that was helpful or not