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Ancient Egyptian Forum • View topic - The Nefertiti Show

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The Nefertiti Show
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2003 9:14 am 

Joined:Sat Jan 18, 2003 10:33 am
Location: Canada
From the adds it looks like it's going to be really tacky... Anyone else have any predictions on what it's going to be like?


PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2003 5:58 pm 
Egyptian Architect

Joined:Fri Mar 14, 2003 8:23 pm
Location: Canada...
Who knows, I just think it'll be rather interesting to see what everyone has to say about it. Hopefully they'll include a lot of different perspectives.


PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2003 7:05 pm 

Joined:Sat Jan 18, 2003 10:33 am
Location: Canada
rolls eyes*

A few questions, (some of them are serious, others are just plain cynical):

1. How does an old wall tile prove that Nefertiti grew up in Malquata? Or that she was part of Amenhotep III's harem?

2. Is Tiye pronounced "Tee" or "Tie"?

3. What's with the Amun priest's afro wig?

4. Why does the fact that she's driving her own chariot mean that she's in some sort of controversial chariot race against Akhenaten?

5. Just like how some girls today wear necklaces that say "cutie" or "princess", who's to say that Meritaten wouldn't wear one that says "Nefer" (beautiful)?

6. So how old IS this damn mummy? Everywhere else I'd heard 16, but the discovery people say 30s. I know which answer would get them better ratings, but what's the TRUTH? (Once I know the age, I'll know what I believe...)

7. If Nefertiti saved Egypt single-handedly, then why would the tomb robbers want to smash her face in? (And she kinda stole Aye's role as the one who made Tut and Ankhesenpaaten into Amun-lovers..)

I know, I'm a nit-picker. Get over it... ^-^ I'll admit though, the show DID have its good moments, but I had to watch it alone because I knew I'd start ranting if I was with someone. I also told my little sisters (who were watching in another room) not to believe a word of anything they say unless I say that they're allowed to believe it. The Nefertiti afterlife dealie at the end was pretty corny. The thing was pretty well all I expected it to be.

Note: two of those computer graphic artist guys were hot!


PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 1:11 am 

Joined:Sun May 26, 2002 12:48 am
1. I think this assumption was based on Amenhotep’s wife -Queen Tiye. If the harem was located in Malquata, then it is assumed that Nefertiti was born and raised there, in turn, coming up with the theory of her childhood.

2. I always thought it was Tee;)

3. I agree! That was extremely dorky, along with the coffin of Akhenaten.

4. It was Discovery Channel’s way of showing her “competing” with the pharaoh, allowing her to be more important then just a queen – showing her status. I think they just wanted to show her importance during the late 18th dynasty and Akhenaten’s drastic changes.

5. ?

6. I really don’t know, or anyone else of that matter. In my opinion, the mummy seems to be young, which might not make her Nefertiti; however, I don’t know much about bones and could be wrong;) .

7. Good question, keep in mind the Amarna Period brought forth many radical changes, which offended many priestess. So maybe during the burial, she was smashed by some priest who disliked her too much. Or some tomb robber was in a hurry to grab all her jewelry and defaced her. It’s all speculation;)

I agree, then ending was dorky….wait it was goofy. I do however think the show was fascinating and had many great points. It is neat that Dr. Joann Fletcher worked hard on this project and brought forth many new theories and suggestions. She is a great Egyptologist; although some theories may be farfetched, it is Egyptologists like her that make Egyptology so fascinating. They pave the way for answers. :D

Good Questions!


PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 9:37 am 
Egyptian Architect

Joined:Fri Mar 14, 2003 8:23 pm
Location: Canada...
I AGREE!! I hated that damn fro thing...it was sick!!! And yeah, the ending was horrible...

lol I was thinkin the same thing about the two artist guys :D


PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 11:33 am 

Joined:Sat Jan 18, 2003 10:33 am
Location: Canada
I thought I was the only who noticed the artist dudes!! Yeah, they were pretty cute... (But you know you've got a problem when you're noticing guys on the DISCOVERY CHANNEL!)


PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 1:12 pm 
Egyptian Architect

Joined:Fri Mar 14, 2003 8:23 pm
Location: Canada...
LoL yeah that's true, but hey, it was the highlight of the show... :lol:


PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 1:38 pm 

Joined:Sat Jul 06, 2002 4:05 pm
Location: Missouri
Well, I thought the show was really good. And like they said, it's hard to tell the age of the mummy with only an x-ray. so no one can really say for sure how old the mummy really is.


PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2003 11:06 am 
Egyptian Architect

Joined:Mon Dec 02, 2002 4:48 pm
Location: Michigan
i thought that the show was pretty good. But there was one thing that they has said that i did not exactly agree with. Did anyone catch that in the beginning the show mentioned that Nefertiti was the step- mother of Tutankhamun? i did and i thought that they shouldnt have said that - i mean it hasnt been proven that Tutankhamun is the son of Akhenaton, he could as easily be the brother of him, no one knows for sure, but i was just wondering if anyone else felt the way that i did- or caught that comment. but other than that i thought it was relatively good.


PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2003 3:00 pm 
Egyptian Architect

Joined:Fri Mar 14, 2003 8:23 pm
Location: Canada...
Yeah, I caught that, too.


PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2003 8:18 am 

Joined:Fri May 30, 2003 1:50 pm
Location: Miskolc, Hungary
Yes, but evidences were found that Tut lived with Nefertiti in the Northern Palace (maybe he moved there after Tiye's death) so she can be viewed as his stepmother.

Does anyone know when will the show be aired in Europe?


PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:02 pm 

Joined:Wed Jun 18, 2003 6:10 pm
Location: South Alabama Where the rednecks and the rebels live
I thought the show was really good.Do ya'll think the bust looked like her I do.and she had two earring holes.Probably a lot of people had them but if they where they where not noted.


PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 9:15 am 
I thought that the show was good. I do think they said some things like facts that are not yet proven so. I know they did not say it for sure but does anyone think that Nefertiti killed kiya like they said in the show. I do not think so. But I think it was a good show even though the ending was alittle corny.


PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2003 2:12 pm 

Joined:Fri May 30, 2003 1:50 pm
Location: Miskolc, Hungary
Hm... Nefertiti killing Kiya? I used it in a story, but in a Discovery show I wouldn't state it...


PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2003 1:21 pm 
Egyptian Architect

Joined:Thu Jun 12, 2003 11:41 am
Location: in the heart of Europe


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