Well, I don't care because you're arguing in fact about what shade of brown or black Tut would have been. In my opinion the answer does not add anything whatsoever to the overall picture of the time period. Nor does it really tell us anything about him.
And personally I just find any race debate somewhat distasteful because race arguments are usually not used for the greater good, if you know what I mean. It has nothing to do with fear, but everything to do with the recognition that the outdated theories about race have caused a lot of damage throughout history (and in the present).
Race is just a very superficial way of dividing up humans in several categories.
And my gripe was mainly with the logic and the arguments employed.
I personally prefer thinking about many other questions
Who was regent for Tut when he was small? (Assuming that due to his age he had to have a regent).
How far was he able to go in his return to orthodoxy after the Amarna age?
What were the respective roles of Aye and Horemheb precisely during his role?
Was General Nakhtmin really the son of Aye? If so, was he groomed as crown-prince?
How long did it take the Amun priesthood to get back on it's feet? Where did the resources come from to pay for all of that? Any signs of very heavy taxes on say Nubia?
I think I'll shut up now