Well, X-Men has manga influence. This one artist introduced it to American readers in that comic. On the other hand, this other manga guy gave Polaris an ugly costume. Purple & Green do not go together.
I'm guessing that whole balance thing is why there has never been a Horus comic book. Like most fantasy, they center on battles of good vs. evil. In the Norse case, the gods vs. giants.
Really! It's always been the giants vs. gods. And sometimes the gods do win, but sometimes they lose something. Usually integrity.
And it will all accumulate into the final battle, Ragnorak which literally means "Dwillight of the gods."
It's fitting that the Norse people would want their gods to die the same way they did: fighting outside sources that seek to destroy them. But the major gods children are destined to survive and...I could go on forever.
Did you know Loki is the father of a monstrous brood?
Odin told him to have nothing to do with the Giantess Angrboda. But he took her for a lover, and they had three children. The Norns prodectied that the children would one day destroy the gods. So they were banished.
Jormungard- a giant serpent. He surronds Midgard. So big his tail touches his mouth. When he shakes, tsunamis and earthquakes happen.
Hela-Part woman, part corpse. She was banished to Nifleheim. There she became Queen of the Dead. Are you old or sick? If you die you get sent to her realm.
Frenier-Intelligant Wolf. The gods thought he would be no harm to them.But the Norns prodected that he would be the death of Odin. So they tricked him into being chained. Tyr lost his hand in the process.