Horus IS the most confusing of All the Egyptian Gods. With multiple different Gods/people being merged.
I don't have a feel for him yet.
I know of at least 3 different Horus Gods... Horus Over the Horizon, Horus the Elder, and Horus the Younger... 3 generations of Horus(?)... sorta, maybe.
Horus Over the Horizon seems to be the brother of Seth and Osiris.
The Symbol/Sign for Amset looks like a human. Amset is a possibilty as Horus the Elder. You can also argue that Horus the Elder is the same as Horus over the Horizon.
The Son of Osiris and Nepthys is called Horus(Heru). After the death of Osiris, Heru is adopted by Horus Over the Horizon and Isis. Isis and Horus over the Horizon have three sons... plus an adopted son.
I believe Tuamatef(sign of the jackal)(Anubis) is called Heru - Horus the younger.
I'd be willing to consider the son of Amset/Mestha ... as the second horus on the list... I've never found any evidence that Amset had a son. Amset was married to a scorpion goddess, Ta Bitjet(Qa Hedjet?).
Or maybe even Quebsenuf(Sign of the falcon) is the second Horus on the list... anybody got a wife and son for him?
On the palermo stone, Seb is Keb.... is Keb also different than Geb? A goose and a duck look pretty similar. Very interesting.
Here is some info on Horus...