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Ancient Egyptian Forum • View topic - What Was Horemheb's Previous Name?

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What Was Horemheb's Previous Name?
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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 1:25 pm 

Joined:Sat Mar 13, 2004 1:49 pm
Location: Long Beach, CA
I got interested in Paatenemheb and looked around for information.
And of course there seem to be several individuals of that name who are attested during this general period.

1. Paatenemheb. General of the Lord of the Two Lands, King's Scribe, and Steward of the Lord of the Two Lands. (from Murnane's book)

2. PaƤtenemheb was royal butler during the reign of Tutankhamun or his successors. The central chapel of his tomb in Saqqara was sold (?) in 1828. The tomb is now lost however. (from the website of Leiden University)

3. Paatenemheb, son of the Guardian of the treasury Ptahmay and his wife Takhert. The stela of Ptahmay shows Paatenemheb and his sister Meryt before his parents. On a lower register are a man Huy and his wife Wabt with their son Hat and daughter Wadjyt. Two further adults are referred to as "his son" Ramessu and "his daughter" Iwy. Not entirely clear whose son and daughter Ramessu and Iwy are. Ramessu and Iwy are shown seated together as husband and wife. This stela most likely dates to year 9 or after of Akhenaten. It may have come from Memphis. (from book: Pharaohs of the Sun)

If Paatenemheb was the same person as Horemheb, then #1 should be our general and future pharaoh.

I do find it peculiar that the Butler of Tutankhamen kept his Aten name. Unless he died not too far into Tut's reign???

The stela is rather intriguing. Connecting a man named Ramessu to a man named Paatenemheb. I think the question has been asked before if Horemheb and Ramses I were related. This stela I mentioned may be referring to other people, but there are some other interesting facts there. This Ramessu may be married to a lady called Iwy. In the 400 year stela the wife of Ramses I is named as Tiy. And I think the spelling of Tiy is difficult to read. Iwy's name is read [feather-bird-2 feathers]. It's not too strong a link, but maybe close enough to make one wonder if this Ramessu could be Ramses I?

Paatenemheb (3) is related to a high official of the treasury. Maya would become the next important treasurer. Could he also be related then? They must have at least known each other?

Then again it may all be a big red herring.

I have always wondered why Horemheb picked Ramses as his successor. I know the argument goes that Ramses had a healthy son and grand-son. Somehow I would find some level of nepotism easier to believe. Call me a cynic, but there had to be a better reason than "healthy stock" for Horemheb to put Ramses forward.

This article was written by a person on another site I go to all the time. Anneke is her name, on egyptiandreams.


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