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Ancient Egyptian Forum • View topic - Ptolemaic/Seleucid Family tree

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Ptolemaic/Seleucid Family tree
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 7:56 am 

Joined:Wed Sep 25, 2002 1:08 am
Location: Derby
I have put together a Ptolemaic/Seleucid family tree plus how they are connected to Thrace, judea and a few others. Anyone interested please email me lyndseyellen@hotmail.com as the file is too big to post here and I don't have my own website to publish it on:-)[/url]


PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 8:21 am 

Joined:Thu Sep 09, 2004 9:00 am
Location: England
If it is a picture file than you can upload it to the net at:



PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 4:46 am 

Joined:Wed Sep 25, 2002 1:08 am
Location: Derby


PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 8:58 am 

Joined:Sat Feb 26, 2005 12:36 pm
Location: Saqqara... someday...
I've requested information, but for the heck of it... try these?

I recommend photobucket, myself.


PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2005 5:04 pm 

Joined:Wed Sep 25, 2002 1:08 am
Location: Derby
I finally figured out a way to publish it online however it turned out to be quite simple to do and now I feel like an idiot:-)
Anyway, here's the URL


Just click on the documents section and there it is.
For all the eagle eyed ones out there, I missed out Princess Berenice daughter of Ptolemy III:-)

I'm going to do a bit more research on the decendents of Ptolemy of Mauretania and his sister Drusilla but that will probably involve a lot of speculation.


PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2005 3:54 pm 

Joined:Wed May 04, 2005 3:48 pm
Location: USA
You might like this website by Chris Bennett

The detailed family tree is here:

I have had fun in the past just looking at the different entries :D


PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2005 7:17 am 

Joined:Wed Sep 25, 2002 1:08 am
Location: Derby


PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2005 8:18 am 

Joined:Wed May 04, 2005 3:48 pm
Location: USA


PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2005 5:06 am 

Joined:Wed Sep 25, 2002 1:08 am
Location: Derby
Originally posted by Merytre-Hatshepsut
You mean people like Zenobia Queen of Palmyra who claimed to be a descendant of Cleopatra?
I don't remember if her family relation was supposed to go through Cleopatra Selene or not.

Have you eveer seen any speculation about possible descendants of Cleopatra's sons?

Yes exactly! I did see a site which show the possible decent right from Selene to Zenobia but obviously much is speculation. I think if there was any real evidence we'd know about it but it's nich to think that Cleopatra still has decendents out there!

As for the boys, as I understand it, they were not allowed to live! Caesarion was in all likelihood killed as we know. Helios and Philadelphus appear to have been taken to Rome and were paraded in Octavian's victory parade. There is some speculation that they were raised for a time with Anthony's widow but they disapear from history after that. Selene is the only one we know that definitely survived.


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