[Skulls are more similar to those found in the Northern Sudan and less similar to those found in West Africa, Palestine, and Turkey. It seems that there has been some genetic continuity from Predynastic time through the Middle Kingdom, after which there was a considerable infiltration into the Nile Valley from outside populations. That the Egyptians by and large were dark is certain, and many must have been what we today call "black."]
This whole topic reminded me of a incident in High School, in social studies class. We had two visitors from Saudi Arabia one was light skined (a yellowish complextion) the other was what Afro-Americans call blue-black, the darkest complexion you skin can get. They approached the class and introduced themselves, they then mentioned that they are brothers. I looked around the class and just about everyone was scratching there heads except for the few Black ones and one Indian student (I went to a predominantly white High School). The students inocently and curiously asked how can they be brothers? They replied only you Americans ask that questions. Me myself, I have a person of every complexion in my family from almost white to very dark, so being a black person the 2 Saudis werent beyond my realm comprehension.
If Wesley snipes (dark), Aaliyah (light), Tisha campbell (light), and Martin Lawrence(dark), were in ancient egypt, most likley we would be arguing wither or not Aaliyah and Tisha campbell were white. However because of the complexion we would assume that Wesley and Martin were Nubians, its such and American mindset to try to catagorize solely according to color.
In closing its all a matter of perception, the fact is that the Egyptians were mixed, however mainly "Black/African" and "Arabic/Semites" and according to genitic research euopean ancestry accounted up to 4% to 8% of the genetic makeup of the people. The truth is its hard to except the facts when in the past there has been many lies and deceptions done in the name of politics and racisim. If someone told me that Jesus was really Chineese and I was raised thinking that he was Hawaiian and he was indeed Chineese I would have problems excepting it. Most people have been taught flat out that the egyptians were white Blond haired and Blue eyed Just read "Catcher in the Rye". Unfortunalty that is not true. If we all except the facts and broden our minds we will accomplish great things like the Ancient Egyptians whom did not have the disadvantage of the concept of race.