Oh my goodness, could we not go through all of this again? I am sick to death of this sodding topic resurfacing again and again, could we just let it drop. Last time this happened everyone was accused of rascism, insults were exchanged and everyone left angry and miserable. As far as I am concerned I will go on standing on those "giants" until you proove that the pharaohs were black. In the mummy room in Cairo Museum I dont actually remember seeing many black mummys labelled as a king or queen. Infact they ALL looked rather Arab, with Arabic noses and heekbones and skin tone. On top of that all of the paintings of the royals show a family that is arab in its colouring (and in the case of Nefertari even pale!). Please, I ask you to find me a shred of evidence to say that Nefertari was anything but Semitic/Arabic.
Also for your claim of Egypt being Part of the Ethiopean Empire I would go back to your books. As far as I know the EGYPTIAN Empire covered huge tracts of land in Africa which included many black peoples and for a relatively few years we have evidence showing that Egypt was ruled by black pharaohs. Until that evidence is extended to include the whole of Egyptian History I will carry on beleiving what the evidence shows me, not what people desperate to shake up forums and promote causes best left to the modern era. If you want to promote a cause then please limit it to at least recent history, there are greater things to fight for than re-writing what appears to be an accurate histroy. Let me give you some ideas if you are stuck....
- Civil Rights across the globe for racial equality.
- It is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and transgendered month, promote equality!
- Help some victims from the Tsunami by sending some money or helping raise some!
There are dozens of causes out there, get involved! Look what happened to Matthew Sheppard a few years ago, isn't a better idea to combat people like those that ttacked him? Look at the Civil Rights crisis going on in Africa at the moment, please dont waste our time and your own time by leading us into a tar pit where we have all been buried before.

thanks hun!
Siamun x x x