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Ancient Egyptian Forum • View topic - Does anyone know anything about Queen Hatshepsut?

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 5:05 pm 

Joined:Thu Oct 21, 2004 10:04 am
Location: Valle d'Aosta- Italy


Ancient Egyptian History Lesson 101
PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 10:32 pm 

Joined:Sun May 25, 2003 8:15 am


PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 10:54 am 

Joined:Thu Sep 09, 2004 9:00 am
Location: England
I don't understand what you mean Bel. Originally the three creation myths were completely separate- and at Heliopolis it was Atum, not Ra, who began the great ennead of Heliopolis. Osiris is part of that ennead, and so are seven more of the 'feeble lesser gods' that you speak of. Ra and Osiris should not be viewed as being in competition. They were both part of radically different cults. I have never seen Ra himself portrayed as a sole deity- perhaps you are confusing him with Atum or Atum-re? Or perhaps the less popular Heliopolitan myth in which Re (instead of Atum) is the creator?

You also ignore Ptah, who the Memphites claimed created Atum in the first place, and finally the Hermopolitan deities Nun, Naunet, Kek, Kauket, Heh, Hauhet and Amun and Amaunet. The Hermopolitans believed that those Gods created all that we see around us.

Anyway. Back to Hatshepsut,


PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 6:01 am 

Joined:Thu Jan 06, 2005 5:27 am

Last edited by Starjade on Fri Apr 03, 2015 5:57 am, edited 1 time in total.


PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 10:26 am 

Joined:Thu Sep 09, 2004 9:00 am
Location: England


PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 11:24 am 

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 9:59 am 

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 12:10 am 

Joined:Sun May 25, 2003 8:15 am
Okay, here is the explanation for my view's on this subject:
The passages from the papyrus of Ani prove the exalted idea which the Egyptians held of the Supreme Being, they do not supply us w/any of the titles and epithets which they applied to him, for these we must have recourse to the fine hyms & religious meditations from which form so important a part of the "Book of the Dead."
But before we quote from them, mention must be made of the neteru, i.e., the beings of existences which is someway partake of the nature or character of God, & are usually called "gods." The early notions that came in contact w/the Egyptians usually misunderstood the nature of these beings, & several modern Western writers have done the same. When we examine these 'gods' closely, they are found to be nothing more nor less than forms, or maisfestations, or phases, or attributes, of one god, that god being Ra the Sun-God, who, it must be remembered, was the type of symbol of God. Nevertheless, the worship of the neteru by the Egyptians has been made the base of the charge of "gross idolatry" which has been brought against them, and they have been represented by some as being on the low intellectual level of savage tribes.
It is certain that from the earliest times one of the greatest tendencies of the Egyptian religion was towards
monothesism, and this tendency maybe observed in all important texts down to the latest period; it is also certain that a kind of polytheism existed in Egypt side by side w/montheism from very early times. Whether monotheism or polytheism be the order, it is useless in our present state of knowledge to attempt to enquire. The religion of Egypt was at the beginning polytheistic, but developed in two opposite direction's. In one direction gods were mutilplied by the addition of local gods, and in the other the Egyptians drew nearer and nearer to montheism. Three main elements maybe recongnized in the Egyptian religion: 1) a solor monotheism, that is to say one god, the creator of the universe who manifests his power especially in the sun and its operation, 2) a cult of the regenerating power of nature which expresses itself in the adoration of thyphallic gods, of fertile goddesses, & of a series of animals and various dieties of vegetating 3) a perception of an anthropomorphic divinity, the life of whom in this world & in the world beyond this was typical of the ideal life of man - this last divinity being, of coarse, Osiris. But here again, it is an unfortunate fact that all the texts which we possess are, in respect of the period of the origin of the Egyptian religion, comparativiely late, and therefore in them we find these three elements mixed together, along w/a number of foreign matters, in such a way as to make it impossible to discover which of them is the oldest. No better example can be given of the loose way in which different ideas about a god and God are mingled in the same text than the "Negative Confession" in the hunred and 25th chapter of the Book of the dead.
THe epithets which the Egyptian applied to their gods also bear valuable testimoney concerning the ideas which they held about God. The 'gods' are only forms, manifestations, and phases of Ra, the Sun-God and it is evident from the Nature of the spirits that they were only applied to the gods because they represented some quality or attribute which they would have applied to God had it been their custom to address him.
We now have to consider the visible emblem, and the type of symbol of God, namely the Sun-God Ra who was worshipped in Egypt in prehistoric times. According to the writings of the Egyptians, there was a time when neither heaven nor earth existed, and when nothing had been except the boundless primeval water, which was, however, shrouded w/thick darkness. In this condition the primeval water remained for a considerable time, notwithstanding that it contained w/in it the germs of the things which afterwards came into exitence in the world and the world itself. At length the spirit of the primeval water felt the desire for creative activity, and having uttered the word, the word sprang straightway in to being in the form which had already been depicted in the minid of the spirit before he spake the word which resulted in it's creation. The next act of creation was the formation of a germ, or egg, from which sprang Ra, the Sun-God w/in whose shining form was embodied the almighty power of the divine spirit.


PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 3:59 pm 

Joined:Sun May 25, 2003 8:15 am
Changing subject
Eye of Horus

The text on the base of the standing obelisk of Queen Hatshepsut (1479-1458 BC) at Karnak represents to me an enlightenment! The text has helped to decipher the way the ancient Egyptians described solar eclipse, and to discover the Egyptian hieroglyph for 'solar eclipse'. Then it became easy to find many ancient Egyptian solar eclipse records. A surprising discovery was the Great Hymn to Aten describes a total solar eclipse. This has paved the way to me to obtain an absolute, eclipse-based New Kingdom and Hittite chronologies.
In the light of the Egyptian texts, I believe Horakhty as a hawk was a manifestation of the Sun through eclipses, namely, the partially eclipsed Sun past the shadow bands phase.
Also found this to be of interest:


PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2005 9:57 pm 

Joined:Sun May 25, 2003 8:15 am
Did you guy's know that Hatshepsut went to the the land of punt and brought back myrrh tree's to beautify the land for God as the God of Soloman.


PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2005 10:13 pm 

Joined:Sat Feb 26, 2005 12:36 pm
Location: Saqqara... someday...
Finally, something I know! That is actually well known, though! It's one of the little points that you learn in the book Egyptology..! It had some papyrus thing, and man..! Those Egyptian royalty were fat!

Seeing as people in royalty wanted to be shown in the best manner possible, this would not have been the case! Could this possibly be an Armenic drawing, showing the reality of the "grandeur" of Hatsepshut?


PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2005 7:15 pm 

Joined:Sun May 25, 2003 8:15 am
Hatshepsut, what a lovely lady!
One of the greatest queens of ancient Kemet was Queen Hatshepsut. While she was known as a "warrior" queen, her battles were engaged with her own rivals for the position of power in Kemetic hierarchy. A born dynast in her own right, Hatshepsut proved to be an aggressive and overpowering force. However, it was not in war, but in her aspiration to ascend to the "Heru (Horus) consciousness," she displayed the strength that has given her a place in history. She adopted the Truth of Maat and became involved in the elimination of undesirable people and elements from Kemet. Determined to be revered in times yet to come, Hatshepsut depicted herself in as many masculine attributes as possible, i.e. male attire, king’s beard, etc. Although she ascended to the throne upon the death of her king-brother Thutmose II, she exerted her rightful claim to the throne. In exercising her power, she involved herself in foreign campaigns, a concentration on domestic affairs, extensive building and commercial ventures. The most famous of her commercial ventures was the Punt expedition in which goods and produce were acquired from the rich market there to be brought back to Kemet. While it would appear that her opponents were not antagonistic regarding her sex, they were so regarding her non-aggressive philosophy.
Even before becoming legal ruler, Hatshepsut, was actively pushing things dearest to the hearts of all Africans leaders: the expansion of foreign trade, international diplomatic relations, perfection of national defense, vast public building programs, securing the South and the North through either peace or war and, one of her "pet projects", building a great navy for both commerce and war. Her success on most of these fronts made her one of the giants of the race.
This is one of my fav's on Hatshepsut:
cheer's! :P


PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 4:39 am 

Joined:Thu Jan 06, 2005 5:27 am
Queen Nefure Hatshepsut was the female who adopted Moses.


PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 4:53 am 

Joined:Thu Jan 06, 2005 5:27 am
I have only just opened up my emails to find these replies. I have been a tad busy.

The law of Deuteronomy Chapter 19 Verses 15 onwards is a law that determines matters of the truth regarding any crimes of iniquity and Sin. Moses brought this law down from the mountain by the word of the Living God himself and so that makes the law of Deuteronomy Chapter 19 verses 15 onwards the actual word of the Living God. The law states you need two or three witnesses to establish if a matter is true or not. At the mouth of two or three witnesses the matter shall be established. Muhammad has no witnesses for any of his claims.

The Christians have no witnesses for any of their claims. You may speak as if these things do not matter however they do as these facts establish the statements from Muslims and Christians regarding their religious claims are not true. That is the actual word of the Living God no matter what any of you believe. I also point out that the Christians claimed Jesus was the long awaited Prophet that the Living God promised Moses he would raise up.

Muhammad believed in Jesus and 11 Chapters of the Quran glorify Jesus as being the Prophet that the Christians claims Jesus as being. However. Muhammad did not know the Christians claimed Jesus was the long awaited Deuteronomy Prophet 1,000 years before Muhammad was even born. That is why they called Jesus the King of the Jews and a Lord King and a King of Kings. Because that is the Title of that specific long awaited Prophet. Muhammad not knowing this has proclaimed the Christians Angel Gabriel appeared and told Muhammad that he was the long awaited Deuteronomy Prophet.

Muslims to this day are claiming Muhammad is that Prophet that God promised Moses he would raise up. That is the Islamic claim. The Living God only promised to raise up only one Prophet not two. So then either Christians or Muslims are not telling the truth in their claims. The law of Deuteronomy Chapter 19 verses 15 onwards as the word of the Living God state that both Christians and Muslims are deceived and not telling the truth.

As I am the one who is actually speaking the actual words and advice of the Living God then that makes me a whole lot more religious than any of you. And I do not even have a religion. Just a personnel knowledge of the Living God. Discovered on a day in 1980 when I died and went beyond the Veil of Death. Therefore, despite your doubts and accusations. I do have every right to speak.

Last edited by Starjade on Wed Apr 01, 2015 8:04 am, edited 1 time in total.


PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 7:59 am 

Joined:Thu Jan 06, 2005 5:27 am
I have not visited this forum for such a long time. I have not re read what i had written or what others wrote in response as that is all history and pointless. As Nefure Hatshepsut adopted Moses then this is why the Old Testament does come into these conversations. As Christianity and Islam are all based on that Abrahamic religion then that is why they come into the mix as well. None of this is personal however, all of it does all have a connection.

Furthermore as this is claiming to be an Egyptian forum then allow me to point out another matter.

The followers of Islam are giving their worship to hubal al illah the pagan moon god worshipped throughout Mesopotamia and the middle east. According to the leaders of the moon worshippers they claimed the moon was male while the Egyptian Sun god Ra was female. In all of my own research the Egyptian Sun God Ra was male and the moon was always considered Female. Of course In Islam females are second class citizens of no more value than cattle. So they objected to their moon god hubal al ilah to being female as Egyptians claimed insisting for their own motives that the moon was male and the Sun being female. Muslims to this day oblivious to their moon worshipping of Hubal al ilah actually bow down 5 times a day in the direction of the alter of the moon god hubal al ilah which is at the Kabba.

As this is a claimed Egyptian forum then what do all of yoos lot think. Is the Sun Male or Female in your views.

I should add as certain Old Testament statements did get thrown into the mix. There is a mention of the rise of the morning star. It is a famous quote. The Christians invent all kinds of silly notions as to the meaning of the morning star. Often spoken of as if a Devil they imagine some sort of anti Christ appearing. Yet the truth is the Sun is the morning Star. As it passes over the deserts it dries everything out with atrocious heat to a point many things die and this is why the morning star was considered so accursed because in the desert the heat from the morning Star killed more than other things.

I just thought I would add that snippet for your enlightenment.


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