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Ancient Egyptian Forum • View topic - KING TUT

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 17, 2002 2:35 pm 
I'm a girl and I'm 11 and I am working on a project for school and I chose to do it on king tut can you help me find Egyptian writing on him. :lol: :lol: :mrgreen: :D :!: :?: :idea: :wink:


PostPosted: Tue Sep 17, 2002 4:55 pm 

Joined:Sat Jul 06, 2002 4:05 pm
Location: Missouri
Why don't you read, "The Complete Tutankhamen," By Nicholas Reeves. Or there's this other book by him, called, "Into the mummy's tomb: the real-life discovery of Tutankhamun's treasures." That one is good. I have some information about Tutankhamen on my website. The address is http://www.angelfire.com/journal/egyptologyonlinehlk When you get there, go to "Meet the Pharaohs" and then "Meet Tutankhamen."

I hope that helps,



PostPosted: Fri Sep 27, 2002 1:01 pm 
i've been studing king tut for about a month now and i've found fact nor fiction on every claim that i've read. i need some solid basis to start a search for the truth, and haven found one yet. PLEASE someone mail me a place to find a clue. The Pharohs wont wait for me to find them forever...or will they? :twisted: Mail me at duo53087@yahoo.com if you have anything to say, or just to make a friend with egypt on the brain.


PostPosted: Tue Oct 08, 2002 3:56 pm 


PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2002 8:43 am 


Re: King Tut
PostPosted: Wed Mar 19, 2003 2:37 pm 


PostPosted: Wed Mar 19, 2003 2:43 pm 
Egyptian Architect

Joined:Fri Mar 14, 2003 8:23 pm
Location: Canada...
why don't you try this site, www.kingtutone.com? They are also many others...and if you look through some of the earlier topics of King tut on this message board, you will find LOT of information.

Last edited by nefertikaure on Wed Mar 19, 2003 4:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.


PostPosted: Wed Mar 19, 2003 3:39 pm 
Tomb Robber

Joined:Wed Mar 19, 2003 3:31 pm
:lol: same here my name is abby :!:


PostPosted: Sat Apr 05, 2003 5:36 pm 


PostPosted: Wed Apr 09, 2003 2:17 pm 
on your searcher just type in king tut without the www. or .com


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