On the whole of the matter we all practice Kemet. If it be the gardener planting (Hathor) or an artist molding clay on his/her potters table (Khnemu) as well for the builders of our society (Ptah) and the medical profession using the Caduceus as their symbol (Thoth) are actually paying homage to one of the many names and face of Netjer or Amun/Amen/Amen-ra bla bla bla...without knowing it really.
Kemetic religion is based on the fauna that had influence the ancients as well as our modern day society. From my point of view its just that it has been reorganized as a sect now (for about 11 years, maybe a little bit longer) among other theologies, but the practices have just change names for the sake of the original people consider now-days Copts or as Christians.
These sites can answer more of your questions if you have any.
I'll just say this...societies based on Kemetic principals prosper and societies that are Islamic ruled continue to fail and be disorderly!
Those whom have awaited so long are gradually being notice. My prayers are mostly for those of the ancients known as Copts,Assyrian,Babylonians and Chaldeans whom are still in existance to this very day and consider Christians by Islamic Muslims,but have been repressed since 641 A.D. by the Nomads (Arabs/Asiatics) Hyksos/Heka-haswt (now days called Palestinians) Umayyads (Muslim) all Islamic who had nothing to begin with and are still nothing but a bother and shame Allah! There is a difference between Allah and Mohammad, those who live in harmony are following Allah (immortal). Those who participate in Jihad are of Mohammad (mortal). The desert kings in my book are nothing but the dust themselves that engulf the fertile lands that were once rich among the ancients to turn them into sand. Then again if you study magic,you'll know that all evil is banished to the desert and that is all I have to say to those who repress Kemetic ideaology.
Remember this; the Bibles foundation started with Kemet influences from where Judaism was inspired (I'm assuming) by the Amarna period. Judaism inspired Islamic mystics. Islamic inspires Wanna be's Mohammads, suicide bombers and the only good The Baha'i. And Kemet can very well be incoorperated with Christainity in this day in age. As well as faery/fairy folk can be intwined with Kemet when regarding the calander and festivals such as Lamas (Celtic) and Egyptians New year Day coinciding on the same day,which still leads back to Christianity. So more or less if you are a Christian, you have been practicing Kemet.
I would say more, but I don't know if this site is linked to an arabic website.

I don't mean to be harsh towards Islam, its just that they have control of the middle east for some time now and they're still FIGHTING over there!
So don't get me wrong thinking I dislike all Muslims, just those who follow a mortal deadman named Mohammad who deserted his wife and children for solitude with God/Amun/Amen-Ra/Allah/Ali in the mountains thinking he straighten out the Hebrews version of God. That's all!
Oh by the way, I pray to Geb/Seb who made an ass of himself (that being Set). As well I'm forever saying AMEN! when in disstress as well to ending grace and prayers.
Take care