Here is what I have found. The earliest Pharaoh whose name can be found at Karnak is Senwosret I (Senusret I) from the 12th Dynasty, but there may be evidence of an Old Kingdom temple that was built over.
"There is some evidence that a temple stood here already in the Old Kingdom, but the oldest remains still visible date to the reign of Senwosret I, when the temple was apparantly alread dedicated to Amun....However , a fine example of the craftsmenship of this period [Middle Kingdom] is to be seen in the small shrine, probably originally from this area, erected by Senwosret I, which is now on display in the Open Air Museum"( source: Thebes In Egypt :A Guide to the Tombs and Temples of Ancient Luxor by Nigel & Helen Strudwick, pg 50).
Other sources say that temples already existed there but I can find none that list any construction by anyone earlier than Senwosret I.
"He [Senwosret I] had already begun a programme of temple construction during his coregency with his father [Amenemhat I], extending and embellishing most of the major temples, including those at Karnak and Heliopolis." (source: The Dictionary of Ancient Egypt by Ian Shaw and Paul Nicholson in Association with The British Museum, pg 259).