Hi Egypt22,
I would suggest an imformative speech on Ancient Egypt. A speech that started in the Predynastic period going for as long as you need it to go.
I would assume that the only person in the class that knew anything about Ancient Egypt was myself and it was up to me to fill them all in on A.E.
The best magazine i know of on Ancient Egypt is KMT, A Modern Journal of Ancient Egypt. It is published 4 times a year and can be found at most good Bookstores i.e. Barnes and Noble, Borders, in their mazagine section. You don't have to buy it, per-say you can read it at the store, just remember to credit the sources on your speech.
Some times Biblical Archaeological Review magazine has an article on Egypt this mazagine is sometimes eaiser to find that KMT.
Okay now i will email this for you as well

I wish you the best of luck too!