I just wanted to direct you attention to the Deir el Medina Database.
It's interesting to browse through the database, as well as do a search.
I did a search on "marriage" for instance and got 4 hits. The files contain info about provenabce, time period as well as a short description of the content.
Just to give you an idea, the summary of the info for this search would be:
1. Tenro-mentu (Tnr-MnTw) makes Nekhu-em-mut (Nxw-m-Mw.t) swear an oath not to mistreat En-Ta (nTa ) the former's daughter, punishable by strokes of the lash and loss of matrimonial property.
(year 23 Ramesses III)
2. Fragmentary report about a complaint to the Vizier Panehesy (PA-NHs.y) , probably concerning problems with an inheritance.
3. Remains of an oath on the occasion of a marriage settlement.
4. The wife-to-be of workman NN sleeps with the workman Mery-Sekhmet (Mry-Sxm.t); NN complains to the magistrates and gets a beating for making false accusations. The chief workman Inherkha (In-Hr-xa) , evidently belonging to the body of magistrates (onb.t ?) raises objections against this treatment. Mery-Sekhmet has to take an oath, not to see the woman again. He breaks this promise, however, and when the woman has become pregnant by him, his father drags him before the magistrates, where Mery-Sekhmet has to swear another oath to stay away from her.
(Dyn. 19 or Dyn. 20 (Koenig); or Dyn. 20, Ramesses III (Kitchen))