In support of Hawass:
Dr. Zahi HawassDr. Zahi Hawass
Background & Credentials
Education / Honors / Professional Experience / Field Work / Conservation Projects / Site Management / Consulting / Committee Appointments / Teaching Experience / Papers / Lectures / Media / Home
BORN: Damietta, Egypt - May 28, 1947
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
Cairo Universtity, Alexandria, Egypt
Alexandria, Egypt
Oct 28, 2000 American Academy of Achievement: one of twenty-five honorees of international prominence to receive the Golden Plate Award
2000 Appointed Adjunct Professor at UCLA
1998 Egypt's Presidential Award: First Class in Arts and Science
1998 One of three individuals chosen by the Cairo Foreign Press Association as "The Pride of Egypt"
1986 University of Pennsylvania Scholarship
1980 Fulbright Scholarship
2002 - present Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities
1998 - 2002 Undersecretary of the State for the Giza Monuments
1987 - 1997 General Director of the Giza Pyramids & Saqqara & Bahria Oasis
1980 Chief Inspector, Giza Pyramids, Cairo
1974 - 1979 First Inspector of Antiquities, Giza Pyramids, Embaba, and Bahria Oasis
1974 - 1975 Inspector of Antiquities for Boston Museum of Fine Arts at Giza Pyramids
1974 Inspector of Antiquities, Pennsylvania Expedition at Malkata, Luxor
1973 - 1974 Inspector of Antiquities, Abu Simbel
1972 - 1974 Inspector of Antiquities, Embaba, Giza, Cairo
1970 Inspector of Antiquities, the Western Delta at Alexandria
1969 Inspector of Antiquities, The Pennsylvania Yale Expedition at Abydos
1969 Inspector of Antiquities, Edfu-Esna, Egypt
1969 Inspector of Antiquities, Italian Expedition at Sikh Abada, Minia
1969 Inspector of Antiquities of Middle Egypt at Tuna El-Gebel and Mallawi
2000 Excavations at the Valley of the Golden Mummies and the 26th Dynasty site at Bahriya Oasis
1999 Director of the Excavation of the Western Field of Khufu's Pyramid
1999 Director of the Excavation of the Water Shaft under Khafre's Causeway
1999 Director of the Excavation of the Valley of the Mummies, Bahriya Oasis
1996 - PRESENT Director of Excavation of the Third Pyramid at Giza
1995 - PRESENT Director of Excavation in front of the Valley Temple of Khafre
1992 - PRESENT Director of Excavation of the Pyramid Complex of Teti at Saqqara
1991 - PRESENT Co-director of the Excavation to the southeast of the Sphinx (Workmen's Village)
1991 - PRESENT Director of Nazlet-el-Batran Excavation
1991 - PRESENT Director of the Excavation of Beni Youssef
1991 - 1995 Director of Excavation of the Old Kingdom Settlement at Giza (Nazlet- E1-Samman)
1991 - 1995 Director of Excavation east of the Great Pyramid
1990 - PRESENT Director of Excavation of the Tombs of the Overseers of the
Pyramid Builders, southeast of the Sphinx
1990 - 1991 Director of Excavation of the Causeway and the Valley Temple of Khufu
1988 - 1995 Director of Excavations of the Western Field of Khufu's Pyramid
1987 - 1988 Director of Excavation of the site of Kafr-El-Gebel, east of the Sphinx
1980 Director of Excavations in front of the Sphinx Temple and northeast corner of the Sphinx of Giza (Old Kingdom)
1979 - 1980 Director of Excavations at Abou-Rawash (Archaic Cemetery)
1978 Director of Excavation at northeast corner of Sphinx and
Nazlet-El-Samman, Giza (Old Kingdom)
1976 - 1977 Archaeological Survey at South Yemen on behalf of the Egyptian Antiquities Organization and UNESCO of the Arab League
1976 Director of Preliminary Excavations, Merimdeh Beni Salama (prehistoric)
1975 Director of Excavations at Kom Abou Bellou, Delta
(Pharaonic, Greek, Roman site)
1975 Director of Excavations at Khus Abou Zied, Embaba Province
(Late Period)
1970 - 1974 Associate Director of Excavations at Kom Abou Bellou
(Pharaonic, Greek, Roman)
1968 Associate Director of Excavations at Ashmuneim, Middle Egypt (Greek, Roman)
1999 Conservation of three tombs south and east of Khufu's pyramid
1999 Conservation of the Second Pyramid (which was closed in July 1999 and will be reopened shortly)
1999 The conservation plan of the tomb of Khent-Kawes, the tombs south of Khafre's causeway, and the funerary temple of Khafre
1998-1999 The conservation plan for the site of Abu Sir
1998-1999 Conservation of the Great Pyramid of Khufu (which had been closed on April 1, 1998 and reopened in June 1999)
1998-1999 Restoration of the Sphinx Temple
1998 Completion of the restoration of the Sphinx (Celebration in May)
1998 Conservation of the three Queen's Pyramids near the Great Pyramid of Khufu
1998 Restoration of the tombs at the Snedjem-Ib tomb complex and the tombs of Debhen and Iwnu-Min
1997 Director of Conservation of the Third Pyramid (Menkaure)
1996 Director of Conservation of the Second Pyramid (Khafre)
1991 - 1994 Conservation project of the restoration of the interior of the Pyramid of Unas
1990 - 1992 Conservation project of the Alabaster Sphinx statue at Memphis and the Ramses II statue
1990 Conservation projects of Old Kingdom tombs at Saqqara, such as the Two Brothers, and others
1990 Director of Conservation of the Third Pyramid
1990 Director of Conservation of the Tombs of Nobles and Officials (20 tombs were opened.)
1989 - PRESENT Director of the Sphinx Restoration Project
1989 - 1992 Conservation projects of the tombs of the Late Period at Bahria Oasis
1989 Director of Restoration of the Great Pyramid
1987 - 1993 Director of Conservation of the Step Pyramid at Saqqara
1987 - 1988 Director of Conservation of the Second Pyramid at Giza (Khafre)
1991 - PRESENT Archaeological site management of Memphis
1987 - PRESENT The management of the site of the Giza Plateau.
It was divided into three phases. Two phases were finished.
The third phase, which began in December 1996, is expected to be finished soon and will complete the conservation of the plateau.
2000 Member of the Master Jury of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture
1997 Consultant for the IMAX film on Egypt produced by the National Geographic Society
1997 Advisor for The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt
1986 Consultant for "The Pyramids," a televised documentary produced by the Unicorn Project and funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities
1984 - 1985 Consultant to the Carnegie Museum of Natural History to prepare artifacts for an exhibit interpreting the humanistic aspects of ancient Egyptian culture, funded by the NEH
1984 One of five Egyptologists from the U.S. to review a public television special based on David Macauley's book Pyramid, produced by the Unicorn Project and funded by the NEH
1984 Consultant to National Geographic Magazine for a story about recent discoveries in Egypt and for a documentary film
1982 Consultant to Global Concepts and lecturer for Global Speakers, New York
1980 Consultant for the Agriculture Exhibit of the Attiya Foundation, Washington DC
1977 - 1990 Archaeological Consultant to the Arab League
1996 - PRESENT Member of the Board of the Cairo Museum
1992 - 1993 Member of the Board of Trustees of the EGYPTIAN ANTIQUITIES ORGANIZATION (E.A.O.)
1991 - PRESENT Member of the German Archaeological Institute
1990 - PRESENT Member of the High Council of Culture (History and Archaeology), Ministry of Culture
1990 Member of the Board of Trustees of the Sound and Light Company
1989 - PRESENT Member of the Fellowship Committee, E.A.O.
1989 - PRESENT Member of the Foreign Exhibits Committee, E.A.O.
1989 - PRESENT Member of the Tourist Promotion Committee for Giza Government
1989 - PRESENT Committee for the Restoration of the Sphinx
1983 - PRESENT Member of the National Specialist Committee in Egypt for Archaeology and Tourism, a high ranking government committee concerned with the future development of Egypt
1979 Committee for the Protection of the Monuments of the Giza Pyramids
1978 - PRESENT Member of the Permanent Committee of the E.A.O.
2001 Faculty, American University in Cairo: Egyptian Archaeology, Old and Middle Kingdom
2000 Faculty of Tourism, Helwan University: "Old and Middle Kingdom Archaeology"
1998 - 2000 Visiting Professor in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, UCLA: a course on Egyptian Culture
1998 - 1999 Faculty of Arts, History Department, Cairo University: "History of Egypt and the Near East
1997 - PRESENT A course on Egyptian Archaeology at the Institute of Tourism at El Mokattam
1997 Faculty of Tourism: Helwan University:
"Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology" (in English)
1995 - PRESENT A course on the hieroglyphic language for the Tourism Institute at the Pyramids
1995 - 1997 Departments of History and Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, UCLA:
two courses on Egyptian archaeology
1995 - 1997 UCLA Extension: Two courses on the Pyramids
1994 American University in Cairo: Egyptian Archaeology, Old Kingdom
July - Oct 1994 UCLA: Visiting Professor
1990 - PRESENT Tourism Institutes at Heliopolis (Midan E1 Hegaz), E1 Mokatam, and the Pyramids: "Egyptian Archaeology" (in English)
1988 - 1992 Egyptology and Greek and Roman Departments, Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University: Courses on Egyptian art, architecture, religion, and archaeology
1988 College of General Studies, University of Pennsylvania: Six-week courses on the culture and history of ancient Egypt and the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
2000 "The Valley of the Mummies," Eighth International Congress of Egyptologists, American University in Cairo
2000 "Site Management and Conservation," Eighth International Congress of Egyptologists, American University in Cairo
1998 A paper on Engineering and Site Management at Giza at The American Association of Civil Engineering, Boston
1996 A paper on Tourism and Culture, UNESCO, Paris
1996 A paper on Giza Site Management at BIT, Milan, Italy
1992 "THE WORKMEN'S CAMP AT GIZA: Review of Settlement," House and Palace Symposium, Austrian Institute, the Geographic Society, Cairo
1991 "OLD KINGDOM STATUES FOUND AT GIZA," at the Old Kingdom
Egyptian Art Symposium at the German Institute in Cairo
1991 "RECENT EXCAVATION AT GIZA," the Sixth International Congress of Egyptology, Turin, Italy
Fifth International Congress of Egyptology, Cairo, Egypt
1982 "SITE PROBLEMS IN EGYPT CONCERNING EARTHQUAKES AND THE WATERTABLE," International Congress for the Preservation of Monuments, National Academy of Science, Conference on the Protection
of Historic Architecture and Museum Collections, Washington DC
1982 "EXCAVATIONS AT THE GIZA PYRAMIDS," one of seventy invited papers, Third International Congress of Egyptology, Toronto, Canada
1982 "EXCAVATIONS NORTHEAST OF THE SPHINX, "American Research Center in Egypt Annual Meeting, Boston MA
1981 "KOM ABOU BELLOU EXCAVATIONS," Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada
1976 "KOM ABOU BELLOU EXCAVATIONS," First International Congress of Egyptology, Cairo, Egypt
Sept 1997 Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Sept 1997 Fowler Museum, UCLA
Sept 1997 American Research Center in Egypt-Southern California:
"Recent Excavations at the Pyramid of Teti in Saqqara"
Sept 1997 Dallas Museum of Art: "The Great Pyramid of Khufu"
Sept 1997 Egyptian Academy, Rome
Aug 1997 A.R.E., Virginia Beach:
On the controversy surrounding the Pyramids and the Sphinx
June 1997 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York: "Women in Ancient Egypt"
May 1997 Lectures on recent discoveries
Heidelberg University
Berlin University
Munich University
April 1997 Louvre, Paris
Mar-Apr 1996 A tour to the United States to promote tourism in Egypt
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
American Research Center in Egypt-Southern California
University Museum of Southern Methodist University, Dallas
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Field Museum, Chicago
University Museum, Philadelphia
Press Club, Washington DC
1995 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
1994-1995 Association for the Friends of Egypt,
University of Copenhagen, Denmark:
Public lectures on the Pyramids and the Sphinx
1994 Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC
Sept-Oct 1993 Lectures on Pyramids:
Natural History Museum, Los Angeles
Orange Coast College, Orange County, CA
University of California, Fullerton
Harvard Club, New York
Walter Gallery, Baltimore
University of Pittsburgh
History Museum of Science, Houston
Hamilton University, NY
May 1993 Metropolitan Museum
University Museum, Iowa State University
The Press Club in Ottawa, Canada
1992 "Recent Discoveries at Giza," Louvre, Paris
1992 Two lectures on "The Cult of Khufu, Khafra, and Menkaura at Giza and Recent Discoveries," Prague University, Czechoslovakia
1990-1991 Lecture tour on "Recent Discoveries at the Giza Pyramids" at universities and museums across the United States, such as:
University Museum, Cleveland Museum of Art
Denver Museum of Natural History
1988-1997 Lectures for special tourist groups at the Mena House, Semiramis Hilton, and Marriott hotels in Cairo
1988-1997 Public lectures for Rotary Clubs, Lions Clubs, and other service and social clubs in Cairo, Alexandria, and Port Said about archaeological problems in Egypt and about recent discoveries
1988-1989 Public lectures on the Pyramids at approximately twenty
museums and universities in the United States
Presented at:
Northwestern University, Chicago IL
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston MA
Rosicrucian Museum, San Jose CA
University of California, Berkeley
University of California, Los Angeles
1986 University of South Florida, Lakeland FL
Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC
Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs NY
1985 Museum of Natural History, Denver CO
1983-1984 Penn State University, State College PA
University of Colorado, Ft Collins CO
SAIS, Johns Hopkins University, Washington DC
Georgetown University, Washington DC
American University, Washington DC
Orange County College, Middleton NY
Tufts University, Boston MA
Skidmore Owings (architectural firm)
1981-1986 Public lectures concerning the Pyramids, the Sphinx, and other topics relevant to Egyptian civilization for the Education Department of The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania.
Travel to various communities, including:
and Pennsylvania State Universities:
East Stroudsburg
1980 The American Center in Cairo, Egypt
1977 Charterhouse Motor Inn, Washington DC
Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC
The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania
Department of Classical Studies, Duke University, Raleigh NC
Department of History, Old Dominion University, Norfolk VA
Harvard University, Cambridge MA
College of Local Art, Boston University, Boston MA
Department of History, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI
Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester NY
History Department, Wright State University, Dayton OH
Fine Arts Department, University of Colorado, Boulder CO
Rocky Mountain College, Billings MT
Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park CA
Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco
M. H. DeYoung Memorial Museum, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco
Program Committee and Inner Forum, Boise State University
Museum of Fine Arts, Montreal, Canada
Lecturer in History and Archaeology of Egypt to the following organizations:
1997 Los Angeles County Museum of Art tour
1995 - 1997 UCLA Extension tour
1992 Lectures for W. P. O.
1990 UCLA
1988 Members of the Board of Trustees of the Getty Trust
1986 Members of the University Museum and the Denver Museum of Natural History
1985 Museum Directors and Curators from the U.S.A.
1983 Executive Members of the Skidmore Architectural Firm, U.S.A.
1982 Chief Executive Organization, U.S.A.
Numerous public appearances on worldwide television, radio stations, and newspapers:
1998 Appearance on Dateline about the opening of the intact mummy of "Iufaa" at Abu Sir
1997 "Live from the Sphinx," Channel 2, Italy
May 1997 "Legend of the Lost Tomb," a cameo appearance in a family film for Showtime.
1992 - 1993 Articles written about "The Legend of the Nile" in Horus Magazine, EgyptAir.
1992 National Geographic special "Who Built the Pyramids?"
1990-PRESENT Script for documentary films:
"The Riddle of the Pyramids"
"The Golden Age of the Pharaohs"
"The Legacy of the Pharaohs"
1990 "The Today Show"
Evening Magazine
films on the statues of Ramses II
1988 "Good Morning, America with Joan Lunden"
A documentary film on "The Mystery of the Pyramids"
with Omar Sharif.
1987 - 1997 Documentary films on Egypt and the Pyramids for the B.B.C., "Nova," the Learning Channel, the Discovery Channel, ABC, and others.
1987 - 1997 Numerous appearance on CNN speaking on the discoveries and preservation of the Egyptian monuments Numerous Egyptian magazine, newspaper, and television appearances
and interviews presenting various articles on Egyptian history and archaeology Numerous appearances on news programs on European, Japanese, and Australian television.
1987 - 1997 Newspaper articles about the Pyramids and other monuments of Egypt for the Associated Press, Reuters, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and others
Oh, and by the way--to equate a CT scan and a DNA test is like comparing apples and oranges--they are two very different things.