Well I have always argue in this matters like I do here.
But to the issue of affording to go to Egypt,
To probably 99% of the world a trip only for a weekend
to US cost as much as 14 days of luxury stay in Egypt
And what right do your country have to claim the first seats
to become Egyptologist? If the KEY RELICS where in Egypt
then we all have the same Democratic right and possibility
to se them study them.
Please take a virtual tour in to Cairo Museum
When you speak of the average Egyptian like you do
you should think twice, We all should think twice.
Yes they are poor and they have nothing but the day
to earn their next day of living. Its we who encourage
their behavior when we buy those stolen objects.
And if we look in our own back yard we will find that
we treat our own ethnics with lower respect!
And if we ask the common citizen in our country
you should son be aware that we are pretty lonely
in our interests abut ancient Egypt compare to
what common people among us are. But if there
is money and fame to be found all of them would
invest money in "Dog shit" to (a little joke but true)
How bad you like it still Modern politic not
love for the ancient history as you and me dream of
Your museums would not spend a 1 dollar if it did not
bring back at least 2 dollar in exchange.
When it comes to United Nation and Unesco we all now
that your countries signs a lot there but hold almost nothing.
Your countries has played the UN for fools several times
so to hope that the solutions is there is nothing the
rest of the world hold to high, tough we still hopes.....
When I talk abut returning KEY RELICS I talk abut those
relics that has special meanings like the Rosetta Stone
and the abuse bust of Nefertiti. Remeber the Armana deal
or else you can read it at
In case of study you could use a replica without no problem
but as we debated before this is abut money and politic.
Yes Si-Amun you have chosen a name that dont fit
your opinion at all? You have chosen a name of someone
who shared my respect and love for those Kings and Queens
just from people like your self. Be cause you can blame
the night diggers as much as you want, but if there was no
buyers there would not be any market.
I think also some of you here seems to change opinion
in this issue as the wind blows, I am sorry for that be cause
there is nothing wrong in having one of your self and it has not
to be among the majority. This is why I lie Si-Amun he stands
strong as rock in hard sea even though he seems to have the majority
with him in this issue
P.S I am planning my second trip to Egypt this year on an avarage
income of a plain worker here in Sweden that says something
abut the low coast it is to travel to Egypt.