Pharaoh |
Joined:Mon May 09, 2005 9:22 am Posts:574 Location: The palace of Tutness!
Wonderful article, Lostris!! I know this is KINDA late, but I haven't been on in a while, so I'm gonna play catch-up for a bit. ^__^
What touched me deeply was the fact that Tut (Hopefully, in my opinion) practically SAVED his dad from being lost or burned from the Anti-Atenists. This indeed is a loving gesture, and that got to me. It also means blood is thicker than water...
Smenkhare, it seems from the second part, was a hastier burial then Tut's, since it was intended for a female. Wouldn't Akhenaten's body be...bigger? And more....shapely....than most other mummies? The way he looks--facial-feature wise--would be a dead give away, in my opinion, buuuut....I don't know, really...I just wish it was found!!!!!!