So I am a bit the mummy in question "Mr. KV55", the skeleton that is assumed to be the remains of Smenkhkare? And the Younger Lady is Kiya now......Hmm. I have always thought the Younger Lady is probably Meritaten based on her age, resemblance to Akhenaten, etc. Just my opinion, of course.
I am interested in seeing what sort of evidence is presented to back up these new theories, but I can't help to wonder whether or not Dr. Hawass is now saying "Kiya" as an attempt at proving Joann Fletcher wrong! He also thought Kiya was buried in KV63.....remember that? The old fellow seems to have an obsession with finding her, IMO.
I don't watch much TV, but I suppose I should get the popcorn ready for Monday night. This should be interesting.